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Peroxide dosage

One of my boys ingested something and was given 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide to attempt to get him to vomit it back up. This boy comes from a line of Labs that appear to have iron guts. That half cup never made him throw up. What's the most to safely give a Lab? Any other suggestions?

Re: Peroxide dosage

Don't laugh, but sometimes it helps to shake or jiggle them a little after you give them the peroxide.
I had a boy that used to go into auto gurkas if I just showed him the bottle.

Re: Peroxide dosage

I have that issue with the smell of rum and coke, stomach starts the auto churn. You think after 35 years it would have forgot that night!

Re: Peroxide dosage

So what did your dog eat?

Re: Peroxide dosage

I wouldn't give your lab any more hydrogen peroxide. I have a young boy who swallowed a rock and I tried the heydrogen peroxide on him. No rock! I called the vet, after 6 doses of 2 tablespoons/dose, and they said don't give any more b:c it can burn the inside lining of the stomach and intestines and you end up with a bigger problem. My lab finally pooed the rock out. Depending on what it was your lab swallowed, it might be better NOT trying to induce regurgitating (sp.?). Good luck and hope it has a happy ending.

Re: Peroxide dosage

So what did your dog eat?

A box of baking soda.

Re: Peroxide dosage

60 cc will make a Lab size dog vomit withing 3-5 minutes. Somethings are better let them pass, than try to make it come up. That's the case for bigger size rocks, glass, corrosive chemicals, etc. Check with your vet if in doubt.

Re: Peroxide dosage

For something that has to be vomited quickly, like some kind of poison, can you just pour the stuff down their throats until they throw up?

Re: Peroxide dosage

In my earlier reply, I stated that my young boy swallowed a rock, not toxic, but potentially harmful, possible bowel obstruction. Anything poisonous I would call POISON CONTROL 800-222-1222. Some materials are better off neutralized than forced back up the throat where they could do possible permanent damage. I have this 800# by my phone for both possible human and animal poison situations. If you have young children or grandchildren that visit this is a must have number to have posted at all household phones.

Re: Peroxide dosage

How much baking soda did your dog ingest? I would be concerned about Electrolyte imbalances. If severe, electrolyte imbalances can be quite serious. I don't know off-hand how much would need to be ingested, but if your dog ate a substantial amount it would be worth a call to the animal poison control (888-426-4435).
The call costs $60 but is well worth it- you deal with a boarded veterinary toxicologist AND if they recommend a treatment plan they will also talk it over with your veterinarian and give them all of the specifics on what to do.
It's been too long at this point to offer suggestions for vomiting, but I wouldn't have recommended that you give any more peroxide than you did. With peroxide it really needs to be a newly opened bottle (lots of fiz) and if that doesn't work, the vets have other options to induce vomiting.
Good luck!