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Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations to everyone on there wins at the Pittsburgh Show.

Just heard from Laura, and "Dauber" is now BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare Leisure Suit
Larry !!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!

Congratulations also to Cindy and Sophie on taking WB and to James and
Fabian for taking a group 1 yesterday and breed today and the day before.
I think Fabian and James now have 17 BISS, what a great accomplishment
for a great dog and his handler.

Wish I would have been there!!!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations to Laura & Dauber!!!
He is such a handsome boy. Well deserved

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats Laura and Dauber! Great news about a great win! well deserved, I am so happy for you.
Also big congrats to Cindy and her girl Sophie. She looked great at Pittsburgh. I am sure your ride home will be very quick now!
congrats to James and all other winners!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats to Dauber and Laura on a well deserved win

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations to all the winners and to Laura's boy Dauber

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

CONGRATULATIONS to the new champion,Dauber. You finished in style!!!!! I just told your kids.

Congrats to James and Fabian and the rest of the Beechcroft crew. You done good.

Congrats to the other winners, also.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats to Dauber from his kids at Staghorn. "Happy Sire's Day"

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Dauber's such a laid back happy boy, I'm sure he's taking it all in stride.

Guess we can all be excited for him . . . CONGRATS LAURA & DAUBER!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

That is just wonderful. So happy you shared the news with us. Very nice. And the Beechcroft team also.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Woohoo!!! Congrats Dauber, James, and all owners and handlers involved!!!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"


Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Wooohooo!! Go Dauber!! Congrats :)

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

What FANTASTIC news! I love my Dauber kids. Congrats to everyone else at the Pittsburgh shows on their wins and placements too.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

A HUGE congratulations to Laura and Dauber!!! I'll tell my Dauber boy about his famous daddy!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Big congrats to Laura and Dauber!! He's a beautiful boy. Well deserved!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Big Congrats to Laura & Dauber, well deserved!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats to all the winners

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Awesome Laura and Dauber...congratulations!!! Woo hooooo!!!!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations to Laura and Al, on Dauber's win, and a win, well deserved. He is a real beauty.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations to Saddlebrooke Dickendall Sophie for going WB today and thank you to Cindy of Tangelwood Labradors for showing her. "Sophie" is owned and bred by Connie Jacko and Kendall Herr.

Congratulations to Laura Reich and "Dauber" for finishing his Championship. Way to go!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

WooHoo!! Congratulations Laura and to the rest of the winners.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Thank you for the kind words. Dauber, as most of you know, can be a real challenge in the ring. It's always a suprise what he will try to pull on me next.
He does keep me on my toes!!

Congratulations to Mary and Fabian on the back-to-back Group 1's. It was awesome to see and a treat to cheer Team Beechcroft on. We had our loudest whistles going and made lots of noise! I am thrilled I got to see it. What a team these two are!!

At the end of the day we took 4 van's full of dogs and let them run together in the field. It was a blast. What other breed can do this? To see these dogs who have never seen each other running together and having a ball is extra special. We had everything from stud dogs to youngsters and they all loved it. How nice is that?

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations to Connie Jacko and Kendall on winning WB (handled by Cindy Shaeffer) with their beautiful girl Sophie "Saddlebrooke Dickenall Sophie" (sister to Phoebe). Sophie now has three majors! Yea!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

A big congrats to Laura and of course Dauber!! And also Big congrats to all that did well this past weekend!!!!


Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Just heard the good news, Laura!
Congratulations!!!! Way to go!


Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"


Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats Laura and Dauber!

Isn't that what is best about Labradors? Their TEMPERAMENTS!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Way to go Dauber, Laura and Sue! Finishing with all Specialty points and BISS is the stuff dreams are made of. Dauber is a wonderful Labrador and so deserving. The news made my morning.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats to Laura and Dauber!!! Way to go, that is fantastic!!!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations Dauber! your lovely daughter Shelby send her best regards

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Great news!!! Congratulations, and GO BROWNIES!!!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congratulations Laura and Dauber. Yeah for brown dogs!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Lets hear it for Chocolates! Big Congradulations Laura and Dauber. What a fantastic Title to add to his CH. He is getting better with age.

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

WOOHOO!! I knew it had to be only a matter of time for such a lovely boy! Congratulations to Laura & Dauber as well to all the lovely winners! WTG!

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats Laura and Dauber!! I'm thrilled for you

Deb Weinman

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Congrats to Sue Williamson who bred Dauber!
Breeding is an art............

Re: Pittsburgh Day 4 & BISS.AM.CH. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber"

Laura, Al, "Baker"-BISS Ch. Lubberline Pumpernickle and DAUBER-BISS.Am.Ch. Wilcare's Leisure Suit Larry "Dauber", Congratulations! He is such a beautiful boy, as much so as Baker & your other dogs. You're a class-act breeder & stud-dog owner Laura.

The amount of replies partially reflects what others think of you and your dogs.

We hope Dauber's daughter "Sticky"-Lor-als Mrs Butterworth, (ooooh, I luv that name!) continues the line of BISS Champions @ Lor-Al.

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