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mom not cleaning poop

New, first time mom is cleaning pee, but not poop. any suggestions? We of course are stimulating pups.

Re: mom not cleaning poop

Some say rub peanut butter on the pups butt, however
nothing worked for us. Mom would feed but not lick the pups so every two hours for two and a half weeks
we used warm baby wipes to stimulate urination and
defacation. 11 pups and all turned out great, we were
just very tired! Good luck.

Re: mom not cleaning poop

I have a mom who doesn't do butts, she's super clean outside too, doesn't like to be in or around anyone else's waste or urine.

We just used baby wipes, off the heat register and cleaned them up. Not too difficult.

Re: mom not cleaning poop

Contrary to what most people think, puppies can defecate by themselves by the time they are 7-10 days old. It just gets messy.

Re: mom not cleaning poop

I have a mom who doesn't do butts, she's super clean outside too, doesn't like to be in or around anyone else's waste or urine.

We just used baby wipes, off the heat register and cleaned them up. Not too difficult.

Well you may have a million dollar girl there! Everyone is looking for the cure to poop eating; well maybe the solution is to buy a puppy from a bitch that won't clean her puppies!

Re: mom not cleaning poop

Darcy Kane
I have a mom who doesn't do butts, she's super clean outside too, doesn't like to be in or around anyone else's waste or urine.

We just used baby wipes, off the heat register and cleaned them up. Not too difficult.

Well you may have a million dollar girl there! Everyone is looking for the cure to poop eating; well maybe the solution is to buy a puppy from a bitch that won't clean her puppies!


That is too funny!! My bitch would not clean poop.

I kept two of the pups and they will not get near poop, in fact when they were young and we were using the Equine Fresh they would take their noses and carefully bury the poop! I thought they were part cat. They will still do that at shows when I use shavings or Eqine Fresh, anyone have a Million $?