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Update on Ticker aka Windswept Point In Time

Ticker is doing just fine. She was stressed for a while when she got home, but has calmed down. She was limping on a front paw, but I see an improvement. I think she sprained her pastern joint because it was sensitive to touch. She was also reluctant to go out in the dog yard, so I kept her in until she was she was ready.

One thing that pleased me was that I haven't found a single tick on her. YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again for all the prayers, advice and moral support. You guys are GREAT!!!!!!!!

Re: Update on Ticker aka Windswept Point In Time

BIG HUGS to you and Ticker!!!

Positive thoughts and prayers do work!!

It is GOOD to know that we are not alone in a time of need!!

Re: Update on Ticker aka Windswept Point In Time

If prayers worked, we wouldn't find missing children dead, sexually abused, etc.. It was Gail's hard work and diligence that brought her dog back to her. JMHO.

Re: Update on Ticker aka Windswept Point In Time

Great to hear Ticker is on the mend! Continued thoughts and prayers for her.

spiritual but...
If prayers worked, we wouldn't find missing children dead, sexually abused, etc.. It was Gail's hard work and diligence that brought her dog back to her. JMHO.

There is something wrong with you.

Re: Update on Ticker aka Windswept Point In Time

Wow, is your name DEBBIE DOWNER??? LOL!

Gail, don't let this person get you down. I prayed, and I know God answered.

The prayer of a righteous man availeth much...."

I've had 41 years of proof of miracles and prayers.

Sometimes those not walking with God...we'll its one of those "prayers hit the ceiling" thing'

But this is a lab forum...LOL! NOt a debate forum on "why is there evil in the world?
I think you can find plenty of forums debating that.

Congrats Gail, and I hope ticker heals well!!!!

Re: Update on Ticker aka Windswept Point In Time

I just thought I'd let you know Ticker's limping is from split pads, that you can hardly see. I discovered them when I was putting peroxide between the pads. She'll be fine.