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Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

I want to thank you for all your input but the poster M was right on! I always follow Mother Nature as much as I can vs nos. so my maiden bitch had a major temp drop of 9.2 on Sat. and then came the mucus plug. No Labor! Sunday same temp drop and her water broke and apparent nesting and hiding. Thought surely last night. Nothing this morning and headed right for a c-section at 7:30 AM. Well, I have only one pup a female black who is 2 lbs. and alive. Mom and her are a bit groggy still and will now have a little singleton. I didn't take an Xray of how many pups as she was huge to me. Perhaps with the one pup it slowed all record keeping up or she took on her 2nd AI which was April 20. I will have some good name choices for this long awaited pup! This would be day 68 if going by ovulation of 7.5 on April 16 and AI on April 18th would be 66 days. 64 days if we go from 2nd AI date. Thanks for all your input, this is a happy ending.

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Meant to put 98.2 temp.

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Thanks for the update, glad your puppy was alive. Often one or two pups aren't enough to stimulate labor, one of the reasons a pre whelping x-ray is so important. You were lucky-congrats!

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Glad everything went well and you have your healthy pup. I still stand behind an xray on every litter. If you had known days before she was due that there was only one in there, you would have been able to rest a bit easy while you waited for nature to take it's course.

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Glad all is well!
Just went thru this with my maiden bitch.
We knew we had a single pup on xray 1 week prior to due date.
Waited until day 65 post ovulation (per vets instructions) and no labor, no signs, nothing. Went in for a section that morning and have a beautiful, healthy 6 week old baby girl, all is well.
Tough part is raising a single pup. Feel bad she is lonely but thankful to have her!!

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

It's great to see and hear people grateful for their healthy singletons. With the rise in smaller litters some breeders naturally expect their original large litters. It doesn't always work that way. Mother Nature has other plans sometimes.

Love your singleton puppers as much as your larger litters, sometimes they turn out to be the best show dogs later on.

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

You're going to have to come up with some cute names like "Better Late Than Never" or "One Came Lately" or "What Have U Done for Me Lately?"!
You could have a lot of fun with this!
Glad everything turned out okay for you and your girl.

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Glad to hear that everything worked out. A 2lb puppy is a huge puppy, so I doubt she/he would have been able to pass over the pelvic region and deliver naturally. Enjoy your Singleton!!

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Had a girl singleton recently myself(C-section). She's now 16 weeks and I love her to death. I put lots of stuffed animals in the whelping box and she would cuddle right up and snuggle into them. Momma was extremely attentive too. I actually had a wonderful time raising her. Good luck with your girl.

Re: Follow up on Puppies due tomorrow (which was Sat.)

Always remember that you can always run a progesterone test to see if the puppy/ies lung are developed. Just ran into this myself with a singleton puppy. Progesterone level should drop below 2.0 it willl drop as drastically as it will rise during ovulation. Glad things turned out okay! My girls mom and pup are doing well!