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Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

What do you do while your bitch with a bellyful is in the early stages of labor besides sit with her?

I bought my 1st laptop, hooked up WiFi & played this keeping the volume lo last week. It made the waiting time go by faster and my bitch didn't mind the sound. The most fun game is 12x.

The 2nd link is for those of us down in the deep south. Don't worry about the amount of swats, do it as fast as y'all can so you don't get a sucky score.

The other thing I do is play music on the net or put in a movie in the DVD player. My screen is 17 inches wide, so I can see it from anywhere near the whelping box. I used the remote controller to pause it when the 1st pupper arrived. Any other suggestions you would like to suggest? I have my 2nd litter for 2009 due in 3 weeks & it looks like another litter of 10.

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

its my excuse for eating chocolate while I watch funny movies and talk to friends (unless it's an all nighter which is when chocolate is especially good )

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

We set up the whelping box in our living room and had the TV on the whole time she whelped. We had a pup born during a favorite scene of a favorite movie and he got dubbed a name that he kept. Our bitch loves being the center of attention and this was the BEST place for her and us, and easy access to potty outside too.

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

Laptop, phone and DVR!!

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

QVC shopping network till you drop or until your girl drops her first pup !!

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

Shop A Holic
QVC shopping network till you drop or until your girl drops her first pup !!

That's a good idea, I like it hehe.

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

I set up a mattress and set up my laptop right beside the whelping box and watch movies, read news, surf the net...catch up on email....

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

That's a great idea. Next time our girl is expecting a bundle of love, I'll order myself a Lap Top on the shopping net work !!

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

Shop A Holic
That's a great idea. Next time our girl is expecting a bundle of love, I'll order myself a Lap Top on the shopping net work !!
It's nice to have them, it made time fly but I can't get much accomplished. My emails would all be upper or lower case with grammatical errors as I have too much on my mind. A few games and a movie suffice for my needs. Once the pups started arriving I stayed off the puter.

Of course a portable phone with my vet's cell no. and ER vet information is within arms reach.

Re: Things to do while watching for a bitch in whelp

ACtually, truth be told, once my dam goes into serious labor pains, I am right by her side soothing her by talking softly, giving her some ice cream now and then, massagine her back. My girls tend to be big babys where the pain and whelping process go so they don't mind all the attention I give them. It's the crazy 24 hours before they actually start whelping that drive me batty and I get restless and want to preoccupy myself by watching the shopping channels.