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Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..

from the nest in my laneway ... Mother Kildeer has been sitting on the nest forever .. don't think the eggs are viable ... do I need to worry about salmonella or anything like that?

Re: Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..

Probably not. My crew recently found the nest of a wild turkey and ate the eggs! No one got sick.

Re: Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..

I would be expecting gas fumes soon.....

Re: Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..


/me faints teheheh

Re: Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..

Guess you can cut back on her kibble tonight.

Re: Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..

I am sure she is in heaven and the kildeer is pretty pissed off LOL

Re: Expectant Bitch Ate Kildeer Eggs ..

We had a nest here last year and I thought for sure the eggs were bad too, but they did hatch. The eggs are err were prolly still good.