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For those that were at Pittsburg, Traci's back went out. Thanks to those who were able to help her and pack up she and her adorable mother, Ellie. She just spent 2 days in the hospital, but is home working on a new over 50 plan. HA XOXOXO

Re: Traci


Hope you get feeling better soon.

Re: Traci

Having back problems myself, I feel you for girl.
Hang in there!

Re: Traci

get well traci,,talked to mom and got an update,,scared us for sure,,,,bec

Re: Traci

Take it "very" easy Traci! Having had 2 back surgeries I know what it is like to have issues. Let as many people help you as possible. It will be worth it in the long run! I'll be thinking of you.

Get well soon!

Re: Traci

So sorry to hear you are having problems with your back Traci, I too was having major problems with my back, used to go out about every 3 months to the point where I would fall and couldn't do much of anything, a friend gave me this book and it has literally saved my life as I was fearing I would end up in a wheelchair soon. The book can be found on here is the link and the name of the book is How to Deal With Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain . This person tells you that if you do the exercizes faithfully every day and drink the water that you will never need back surgery and I do believe him! More than worth the ten bucks to buy his book!

Re: Traci

Well, now here we go - join the club, girl! I had back surgery a year ago this past November and it was the best thing that I ever did for my back. Hang in there, it will get better. Hopefully you can avoid surgery through some good PT.

Re: Traci

Back problems are the worst!!!! Take care of yourself and give it the time to heal. Feel better soon.

Re: Traci

Oh my! Traci, I hope you are feeling better soon.

Re: Traci

Dang -- you poor girl. You could use this to your advantage though . . . hire a Swedish Masseur, preferrably one named Sven!

I hope you feel better soon.

Re: Traci

Thanks for all the well wishes. The back is getting better slow but sure. Thanks to Fabian, Tom, and Karen Day for all the help getting me into the car, and Judy Davis for showing Ollie for us in veterans Friday. I don't know what I would have done without your help.Thanks Debra for everything and being such a good friend.

Feel better, Traci!! (nm)


Re: Feel better, Traci!! (nm)

I do hope you feel better soon, Traci.

But oh boy,those over 50 plans are indeed a b__tch. Got a new one myself....

Re: Feel better, Traci!! (nm)

Hope you are doing better. Its no fun to have a back that hurts!

Re: Traci

Awwww Traci I am soooo sorry to hear that you are in pain. Thank goodness the dog community came to your rescue! Take care of yourself!


Re: Traci

Traci, so sorry to hear about your back! Praying you feel better soon! Take care of yourself!
