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Temperament Testing Cost and Contacts NorthEastern Pa.? Can anyone help on this subject? Thanks!

Re: Temperament Testing Cost and Contacts

Are you talking about a CGC or Canine Good Citizen Test?
The Canine Good Citizen test can be found in The Match Show Bulletin for your area, via AKC, on, and at 4-H fairs this summer.

Or are you talking about this test?

One part gives me pause.
"Self Protective/Aggressive Behavior
"Objective: These tests collectively evaluate the dog's capacity to recognize an unusual situation, its threshold to provocation, its protective instincts, and its propensity to realize when the situation becomes a threat."
The goal for some breeds, such as Rottweilers and Dobes, is to be stable AND to show protective instinct. I can think of a lot of shelters that would put down a Labrador for showing protective instinct. Unlike in Lassie episodes, most places would penalize a pet Collie or Lab for showing protective instinct. I would not want my Lab around dogs being tested for this, and displaying such protection. Yes, there has been the occasional Schutzhund trained Lab, but that does not fit the standard for temperament, at least as I interpret it.

Re: Temperament Testing Cost and Contacts

My trainer has TT all my litters-it is great to watch, and interesting to follow as the pups grow. I have found it to be "right on" as far as predictability. She uses the Volhard method.
She is in NJ but go to her website and perhaps e/m or call to see if she can refer you to someone local.

lack of patience Re: Temperament Testing Cost and Contacts

I do the Volhard test. That is for puppies, and has its ups and downs--ask the Volhards. I have taken two Labrador pups into rescue that your trainer and what was then her vet refernce said should be PUT DOWN for temperament at 10 wks to 3 mos of age. The vet missed a major medical issue on the younger one from show lines, but said that his standing fore square on the table with the tail stuck straight out off the back indicated an aggressive dog who should be put down! This trainer, when I called her, backed up that opinion. Hello, had they ever met a show trained Lab puppy at that time? I endeavored to educate them. I was less successful at educating the pup's breeder on responsible breeding.

The other pup was from a pet store, and if I remember correctly, the foreign born owner was terrified of dogs due to wild packs that had roamed her childhood village. The Puppy Aptitude Test is designed for younger pups, and pups that feel well. Results are a snapshot in time. The owners of both pups were idiots when it came to dogs, but I called this trainer and the vet for verification of their euthanasia recommendations. She might be fine for Dobermans or for an easy Lab pup with all the advantages, such as your well bred, well raised pups, but keep her far away from the less than perfect pup. She had NO PATIENCE for the average pet puppy from an average place, and I will turn down homes that want to use that NJ vet. This may have changed in the last few years, but that was just my experience with rescues over the years when she was a consultant to pet people. I am grateful that she recognized the importance of breed rescue.

If you want more info on the Volhard test, go to Have someone more familiar with Labs, who actually likes them, do litter testing. A tester's interpretation of the testing will depend on whether you are looking for a high drive pup for obedience or for hunting or if you want a social dog, a show ring star or ham, or a low key pet. A breeder who sits and watches her pups and interacts with them for weeks, and knows something about puppy behavior and your desires for the pup, trumps a half hour evaluation by a stranger, no matter what his or her qualifications. Granted, there are pros and cons on every trainer and breeder and vet--these were just my experiences a few years ago. God bless Coco Puppy--after flunking her evaluation, he did just great meeting and greeting at MJLRC specialty match, went on to get medical evaluation with help from Lab Med, and was placed with a Lab lover who taught at a vet school! He never, ever showed aggression except to a few things on which he shouldn't have chewed, such as my siding. He was wonderful with my children. Several people on this forum met him and one knew him better than others. I have no idea what happened during his puppy test, given by this trainer. He had been clicker trained by his idiot owners to grab food--they had no idea of timing, and maybe he was better off dead than living with them--I will give the trainer that much. The pet store puppy needed a home where they would patiently socialize a shier but energetic pup and not run shrieking from puppy playfulness and mouthing; she has done well in a good home that understood that carrying things is retrieving, and that growling can be done in play. I hope that your post means that this trainer has continued to educate herself and does well.

Again, I do think there is a difference between evaluating a well reared litter at 49 days and evaluating a single older pup who did not have the advantages of your pups.

lack of patience Re: Temperament Testing Cost and Contacts

I'm quite shocked by your bad experience. I have known that trainer for 20 years, have sent all my puppies (and families) to her puppy kindergarten and obed classes (as well as attending them myself). All have been happy and I have sat and watched her work wonders with other dogs in the classes-all with tons of patience. I have also used her for cases just as you described and NEVER has she suggested a puppy or dog be put down-quite the opposite. She has taken them into her own home and spent weeks with them eval. them and working with them when others had given up on them or, wanted them put down. She is very dedicated to her work and has trained some very well known , now famous trainers as well as working closely with Wendy and Jack for years and Dr. Dodds..
She also runs kids camps for dogs, does reading with dogs for learning disabled children-the list goes on and on. She eval much more than labs and many breeders of diff. breeds will tell you that, including a very well known Rottie breeder who uses her all the time.
I'm sorry you had the experiences you did-were you with her when she eval the pups you mentioned-did you talk it over with her?
That vet you're speaking about is not used anymore by her or many others-he was bad news! Even from a medical point of view-he missed MANY things on many clients dogs-I never referred to him, quite the opposite-told people to run the other way.
Again, I'm sorry you had the exp. you did but I would NEVER hesitate to send clients to her and more importantly, dogs who really need an expert hand.

lack of patience Re: Temperament Testing Cost and Contacts

I'm glad that things are better with her, and that the vet is no longer used. He may have been the biggest part of the problem--he had the degree! Given what I knew about her, I too was shocked at the time when I discussed the results by phone with her. Again, I am glad that things are better. Thanks for the good news.