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strange phone call

Hi all,
Yesterday I received a phone call and the caller asked if my stud dog had in fact been bred to a certain bitch.This person has an appointment to see the pups and questioned if he were the sire.
It sounded as if she thought the bitch owner made it up.
Now ,obviously,on the AKC papers he is listed as the sire. Oh,the sire is sound so that is not the issue.

I can not figure this out at all.
Any thoughts??

Re: strange phone call

Odd indeed. I think I would call the bitch owner and give her/him the heads up! Sounds like a life long pain in the neck to me.

Re: strange phone call

Please call the bitch owner as a warning could save her a world of trouble. I had a similar situation years ago - guy questioned the stud and my knowing the stud owner. Went on to question validity of OFA and CERF (heard from someone else he thought they were fake). I then found out he lied on his application about having other dogs (I don't care if they do, just want to know) and told me no. I found out that he had one of the meanest Bichons imaginable
and that they kept him in a closet big part of the day. Needless to say I pulled him off the list in a second. I can't think what a the dog would have gone thru with someone like this and I have a feeling that
I would have ended up in a lawsuit from this guy for something.

Re: strange phone call

It might be someone that got scammed once. Many years ago I went to see some puppies out of a sire I knew and lived close to me. When I was there the owner of the bitch walked me to the back yard to show me the stud. Ha! it was another dog. I called the owner of the dog, and he has indeed bred his dog to that bitch. The owner of the bitch must have though that people just want to see both parents??? He got disciplined by AKC for that one. Some one else called and complaint.

Re: strange phone call

I think it's good when we communicate amongst ourselves. In most cases, it's just a polite heads up and allows us to ensure our checks and balances are in place. But sometimes, it can provide important information. I recently had a couple come to my home, re: a yellow female. As they sometimes do, they told me that they went to another breeders and didn't like her dogs at all. That breeder is a dear friend of mine. Then when looking at all my dogs, they absolutely LOVED the only female in the place who is from TWO of her dogs! *S* She and I were talking and joking about this and just in passing, we realized that they were after a male from her and a female from me. Were they deliberately trying to get breeding stock??? We don't know. But it sure gives the heads up for a closer look.

Re: strange phone call

last year i received a call from a puppy buyer re a litter my dog had sired in the states..
it was an innocent call , he wanted to know about the dog and could i send any pics , which i gladly did
he is still sending pics of his girl.. so no harm done! LeeAnne

Re: strange phone call

Sounds innocent enough to me. He probably just got burnt before and was doing his homework.

Re: strange phone call

Actually Sheila I think I know why you thought it was strange as the same thing just happened to me. I remember thinking it was strange also. I get a lot of people contact me to find out more about my stud dog who is the sire of their new pup and wanting photos and so forth but this is the first time I have gotten a call to verify that my dog even was the sire of that dog. That is just a bit different and then you are kind of suspcious. Is this PETA deciding they need to focus in on the stud dog owners, or well many things come to mind, and again I felt it was a different and odd call- more like a verification of something, rather than I want to know all about my new babies parents. Sheila can you email me privately.

Re: strange phone call

Judy Heim
....this is the first time I have gotten a call to verify that my dog even was the sire of that dog. That is just a bit different and then you are kind of suspcious.

I'm getting suspicious of many calls, because of all of the legislation, and other odd happenings. For instance, the State of CA is getting addresses from the AKC *CLUB* page, and writing Board members, asking them if they've paid State Sales tax on their litters! (

I worry if the people who are calling me are calling about dogs, or if they're fishing for other things.

However, in CA, we've had a law for some 20 years that requires you give in writing the following:

Senate Bill #1020 (Rosenthall. It states:
“Dog dealers and dog breeders that sell a dog represented to be registered or registerable with a dog pedigree registry are to provide the purchaser with a notice to the effect that pedigree registration does not guarantee a healthy dog, the quality of the lineage, the accuracy of the lineage recorded, nor that the dog is purebred.”

Nice, 'eh? It could be that some of the calls to stud dog owners is verifying the lineage of the dog(?). One would think that since that has been in effect for over 20 years, that clients would have freaked out sooner, but I am finding that puppy buyers are all over the web, and are finding many things that are getting their britches in a twist. Many seem downright paranoid to me!


Re: strange phone call

Where did the phone call originate from?