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Feeding Pups

Just want to get an idea as to what most do for feeding pups when they move to kibble are are not being supplemented by Mom. 6wk old pups

Free Feeding vs planned-timed feeding?

Re: Feeding Pups

JMO - planned, timed feedings so you can keep track of how much is fed/eaten and track growth of the pups.

Re: Feeding Pups

Planned-timed-and portioned, I can't imagine free feeding with the little piggies, they'd gorge and maybe bloat. Good luck with your babies.

Re: Feeding Pups

Labs, "little piggies" It's an inherent trait isn't it!

Re: Feeding Pups

I hope I am reading this wrong, and you are not just starting to feed 6 week old pups?? If so, you better start feeding them fast, or they will eat each other! They must be starving! But to answer your question, I feed 3 or 4 times a day, depending on the litter. They get all they want each meal, and mom cleans up the rest.

Re: Feeding Pups

I start feeding at 3 weeks so by 6 they are weaned and eating 4 meals a day. And I do know how much they are getting. Just want them all the same size so I don't free feed. Works, so why change it. Doing this for years. Some do seem to have luck with free feeding.

Re: Feeding Pups

At around 3 weeks I put dry food in the whelping box in the corner under the pig rail and a pan of waterin another corner. They are free fed. When they are hungry they start to munch, never overeat, always look well filled out and solid.The slow eaters always get all they need.If I keep several puppies I continue to free feed until 6 mo or so.Have been doing it for years.