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AKC coupon

I have AKC Litter coupon the expires July 20,2009 if anybody needs one.

Email me.

Re: AKC coupon

The coupon is gone.

Re: AKC coupon

Gail, glad to hear you got a response and thanks for following thru.

About a month ago someone (anonymous) posted looking to give one away and I responded with my email address and never heard a word.

Re: AKC coupon

I have a coupon that is good till 7/20/2009 if anyone needs one. I heard even if one had expired you could still use it but that was just what I heard not sure if true.

Re: AKC coupon

Hi Judy,

I could still use one if you want to email me.


Re: AKC coupon

I tried to e-mail you through Wiscoy but for some reason it will not work So e-mail and it is yours. Sorry it took me so long to get back.