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dog peeing

A 7 month old puppy sleeping peacefully on the couch and then.......pees in his sleep-not just a little but a good pee..... This has happened several times. Vet checked-no infection.
Any thoughts?????? Anyone had this happen to them ??

Re: dog peeing

forgot to post-this is an unneutered male

Re: dog peeing

I had a puppy once with an ectopic ureter (unconnected tube to the bladder) and the fluid would build up in his belly and leak out. We noticed that he would be wet often, and was finally diagnosed by about 3 months of age. We had it repaired, but it was not a simple operation. He must be about 8 or 9 years old by now.

Re: dog peeing

Thanks Lab breeder. Did the problem happen all the time or just occasionally ? My puppy has only done this a few times.....

Re: dog peeing

With our experience: if you have an ectopic ureter it would not just show up with leaking at 7 months of age.

The pup would leak from birth.

Did the vet that tested the urine check specific gravity along with PH etc.?

Perhaps a sample needs to be sent to the lab? Best sample is caught first thing in a.m. prior to food or water and in mid stream.

my next step would be to check kidneys if this problem continues. I would start with blood work and go from there. (ultrasound if necessary)

Hoping it is nothing serious and just a UTI that the vet missed.

Re: dog peeing

Thanks Patty-Urine tested directly from bladder-no problems. We are going to trear with Proin for the time being. They think it could be just an immature development issue. Well wait and see........