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BCLRC Back to Back Specialties

The British Columbia Labrador Retriever Club is offering back to back specialties this year.

The venue is in Maple Ridge, BC and is now accessible by bridge (not ferry!) and is about two and a half hours from Seattle. We would be delighted to see some new faces out this year as we have terrific show grounds and some way cool prizes (including Alvalley leather leads, nice dog beds and lots of toys and goodies for the dogs). We also have online entries this year, no more mailing!!

Friday, August 21
WC tests

Saturday, August 22
Conformation: Pauline Mortier
Sweeps: Diann Sullivan

Sunday, August 23
Conformation: Virginia Lyne
Sweeps: Allison Hillius

There are also four indoor obedience trials and 4 rally trials and Saturday evening Pauline will be doing a nice seminar over dinner. There is plenty of shade and camping on site.
Here is a link to the Premium List:

Hope to see some of you out this year!!!

Re: BCLRC Back to Back Specialties

Woot! It's going to be a great time for all. There's a great bunch of folks here and you are all welcome.