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How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

I'm not including an email or website because this isn't a "for sale" ad. I just want some insight as to how to approach this task.

I have a proven stud dog, champion lines (including multi-BISS sire) and is a champion himself. Optigen clear but EIC carrier.

I have him frozen for myself but would like to sell him to someone else as I don't want to have males around anymore. I need to downsize for my health reasons.

What is the best way to find a great home where he'll be appreciated for his sense of humour as well as his lines and conformation?

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

You could check with the breeder that you got him from and see if they know of any respectable breeders that are looking for a male - You could lease him out - You could possibly have a mentee that might want a starter male?

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

You don't want males anymore?

That really tells me how much you care about your dogs. Disposable. If he has been successful for you, how do you just sell him for $$$? Downsize for health reasons? Why not sell your bitches?

Contact his breeder and let them know you only want females because they can be bred and are more lucrative.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

What a miserable judgmental thing to say. Typical of the static on this site. Your assumptive and accusatory tone merely reveals YOUR take on a situation presented.

Take a long hard look in the mirror and see what you do not like there before making any derogatory statements.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

many breeders prefer all females, not just for breeding it is just a preference.
If you cant answer the question why bother posting????

Contact his breeder, list him on your website or a breeder friends website. Send a personal email off to your breeder friends letting them know he is available to the right home. Word will spread, good luck.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Actually I feel I want to find him a home where he may be appreciated more as a pet. He's young and all the soft places to sleep in the house are taken up by my old timers.

He needs more attention and time than I can give him right now. I just don't want his potential lost if someone would be able to use him to help their program.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Can you place him in a pet home in your area so you can continue to see him? You could require that he not be neutered so that you can use him if you want to.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

If you have ever had a handler show him for you - you could put the word out (with the handler) that you are looking to co-own him. I don't think I would sell him outright. If he hasn't been used much - a pet home might be the best thing for him at this point, just leave him intact.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

If you have a web page list him available on there.
Tell your breeder friends to get the word out.
Put a page ad in the LQ. That is how I found my stud dog. You will probably have to wade through a lot of homes that won't be expectable if you are looking for him to be a house dog. It will take time.
Good Luck.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Has anyone considered the probability that "ok ok" is actually a AR Activist stalking this site???

We need to ignore posts like that. As long as we acknowledge their presence, we fuel their stupid little fire.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Can I just say as a new, but very passionate breeder, your boy will be a God-send to someone like me who is just starting out. So many folks encourage people who are just starting out, to find a mentor and the type of dogs you like and work hard to get a high quality foundation girl and boy right from the get go. As you can imagine, this is a very tricky but worthy task.

Your boy will help someone to start off on the right foot. You may still have time to get an LQ ad in, so give them a call.

As for the EIC issue, it's not a problem. Especially if this is a foundation boy for someone. EIC is one of the easiest things to manage in a breeding program and shouldn't scare the right person off. I wouldn't hesitate to use a Carrier.

Good luck!

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

The problem with selling to another breeder is the reality is the poor dog will probably be placed again in his life. If he were mine I would place him in a pet home. As others have suggested he doesn't HAVE to be neutered, maybe ask the folks to keep him intact for say two years, and you can keep him on your website as available at stud. If after two years no one has used him, well, apparently no one really needed those lines afterall. And he is still happily ever after in his forever home. Looking out for the best interest of the dog, this seems to me like the best course.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Not only could your boy end up being placed again once you sold him to another breeder, the cycle could continue until this boy could no longer produce puppies.
6 years ago or so a prominant long time breeder in our region had bred or cobred a litter and this handsome yellow male pup was kept back then sold to a a breeder out of state. 9 years later it is discovered that this yellow boy was being sold at an auction in the midwest. Another breeder had recognized this boy as coming from this prominant breeder in our region so one thing led to another and the yellow boy was put on a plane and sent to the northwest. I volunteered to foster this handsome 9 yr old boy....after all, he was suppose to only have kennel cough, how bad could it be ?
Within a few days of fostering this boy, he almost died of what turned out to be a very serious lung infection. He had a malfunctioning thyroid that caused him to be extremely obese, full of various worms, rotten teeth that needed to be pulled eventually, still intact. He spent a week at the hospital and came back to us where he lived for almost 4 months.
Ironically, this yellow teddy bear had his forever home waiting for him with the very family who helped bring him into the world. This family had long stopped breeding and they had kept this yellow boy's litter sister all these years. For Chance, his days of being pond off from breeder to breeder were finally over. By the way, it was estimated that Chance had been sold to different breeders at least 7 times in his life time to the best of everyone's knowledge who had tried to piece his life span together.
How is that for a stud dog's career and for helping not one but countless breeder's program ?
Chance had not been inside a " Real Home " before until he came to live with us at the ripe age of 9 yrs old. Yes this old used up kennel dog lifted his legs on our fairly new drapes, on our vase sitting on the floor and in the water bowl that sat in the foyer but by golly, he did learn house manners and became a valuable member of our family. Even when he was his sickest, he always had a big goofy smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes.
Anyway, this story is for the original poster and for those of you who contemplate selling your adult bitches and stud dogs to other breeders. Please be very thoughtful on how the future of your dog's may play out should they get into the wrong hands.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

I want to thank everyone for giving good advice. I think I'll try to find a good home for him to live in where I can still have access. I sure don't want him being passed around for the rest of his life.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

He deserves to be loved by a very lucky family. Good luck finding him an excellent home.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

This scenario can happen w/ any dog/puppy sold.
When placing any dog care must be given as to whom it goes to.
Dogs are passed around to different breeding homes all the time with in certain breeder circles. I think a lot of you would be surprised.
All I can say is my big guy has found his forever home.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

b....what you say goes without saying..every puppy and dog adoption needs to be carefully screened which I believe most reputable breeder do quite well. It's the breeding stock that gets sold into kennel type homes where for example, the dog is sold in another country or here in the U.S. without personally knowing the breeder who is adopting the dog.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Sorry for off message here but I am thrilled to hear that Chance is still with us and doing well!


Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Hey Bonnie, It's starting to come back to me but weren't you one of the wonderful vets who paid for Chance's Hospital Care over here in the Northwest ?

If you are, bless your heart along with all the other people who contributed to saving him from what would have been certain death.

Russ and I email back now and then for updates on how Chance is doing. I know Chance was alive last year. Did you hear about how Chance ate a corn cob out of the garbage that first year he returned to them ? He had to have Emergency Surgery I believe. That boy really does have more lives than a cat !!

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

Pls email me privately - I can share some personal experience with you, privately.

Re: How do you sell a CH proven stud dog?

b....what you say goes without saying..every puppy and dog adoption needs to be carefully screened which I believe most reputable breeder do quite well. It's the breeding stock that gets sold into kennel type homes where for example, the dog is sold in another country or here in the U.S. without personally knowing the breeder who is adopting the dog.

Quite true and so sad Joy.

Some breeders show beautiful, fancy kennel factilities, on their websites thats for the *special* dogs, not their average, every day dogs. So, the dogs being sent out to be handled and show well, come back to their beautiful kennel. The average or below average dogs stay in the crappy part of the kennel unless they are being displayed with a new litter of puppies in photography sent to inquiring minds, prior visitors interested in buying a puppy from them or last but not least, for for a commercial

OP, please be careful who, what and where your boy that you love goes. Read what's been said, alot of breeders will be wonderful for him, just as many won't be. Take your time researching the new, forever home. Double and Triple check references for this special boy you've cared for so well and be sure his new home wlll as good if not better. After all, this is why you're re-homing, is to give him the very best. Don't allow a fancy kennel addition or huge home home to decisive you. It's more abut the big heart for the dogs and less about fancy $$$ kennel crap.

I hope your boy finds his new,very special,wonderful furever home. G.L.!!