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Has anyone used Panacur during pregnancy and lactation? My girl has week old pups and her stool shows roundworm eggs. I wormed her with panacur before I bred her. My vet read that Panacur can be used every day from day 40- of pregnancy until the pups are two wks old. I am just concerned about the every day thing... Any feedback is appreciated. thanx!

pyrantel pamoate was Re: Panacur

I have used it, once. Not crazy about it for then. For roundworms, why worm (use extra chemicals) for 3 or more days? Simply give her one dose of Nemex or another form of pyrantel pamoate, then you will have it on hand for worming the puppies in a week or two. They will need it if she is shedding eggs now. Just be sure to follow dosing directions depending on if it is the original formula or the double strength formula.

pyrantel pamoate was Re: Panacur

I forgot to mention that the last litter I had with this bitch was wormed consecutively with mom at 2,4,6, and 8 wks with pyrantel and I still had a problem with roundworms, the pups were actually colicky and passing adult worms. This is why i am considering Panacur. I am going to move where I keep the pups to see if that helps too but I don't want history to repeat with this litter!

pyrantel pamoate was Re: Panacur

I use Nemex at this stage per my vet's recommendation.

Re: Panacur

been using it for years, safe for pregnant and nursing moms, safe for pups etc....

Re: Panacur

I started using the Panacur 1 1/2 years ago. The Nemex just isn't that effective at controlling roundworms. I use the Panacur for 3 days in a row at 3,4 & 5 weeks of age. This has worked best for us.

Rotate your wormers, was Re: Panacur

Anyone finding that one wormer doesn't work after a while is indeed wise to change wormers, as well as trying to control them in the environment. Horse people rotate wormers AND pastures; that can be far harder in dog paddocks, especially with the long life of worms in soil. I stand by my recommendation at this age of pups to use the pyrantel for safety, based on conversations with vets, particularly if there is a big worm load. Use the Panacur later. It sounds as though OP has an environmental contamination problem, as is common, as well as dams having encysted roundworms from when pups. On the bright side, roundworms are Helminths, and a newer en vogue treatment for allergies and allergy prevention involves people intentionally getting Helminths (hookworms are most common) in order to re-adjust the immune system. (Bleck!) Seems we can be too clean, and our pups too well wormed! So there is a bright side to your pups and dam having roundworms; it is natural, if not tasteful.

Re: Panacur

Worms do indeed become resistant to dewormers. Because Pyrantel needs a second doses 21 days latter that is easy to forget, it is easy to get a worm population that is resistant to it. You can get resistant rounds, or even worse resistant Hooks. I almost lost a puppy due to a severe hook infestation after been dewormed several times with Pyrantel. After a blood transfusion and Panacur, she recovered completely.
Panacur does not need a second dose 21 days later, but you need to do it at least 3 days in a row to kill all stages of the worm. For severe cases you can do up to 5 days. It is more expensive, but if Pyrantel is not working any more for you, you got to pay the price. Environmental control is recommended, but it is not a effective way to take care of the problem.

Re: Panacur

I've done the daily Panacur worming of the pregnant bitch from day 40 to after whelping. It's worked very well and puppies have been worm-free, though still get wormed just in case. I follow the protocol put out by the company - here's the data sheet (UK version) that specifies how much to give in each situation:

Re: Panacur

I too have done the Panacur from day 40 until two weeks post whelp at my vet's recommendations. I do feel it is a safe wormer to use and in areas where parasites are hard to control the above protocol may be warranted. I no longer worm in this manner, though feel comfortable using as needed.

Re: Panacur

Thank you, that's what I was wondering, if other people have done the daily tx. I am a little late starting but I think given the circumstances I will start now (at almost a week out) and worm every day until the pups are 2 weeks old and them worm them. I just can't trust the pyrantel anymore and think I am dealing with a resistance problem. Thanks for the feedback! Oh, If I worm the pups at 2 weeks old, should I repeat it 2 or 3 weeks later??

Re: Panacur

Thank you, that's what I was wondering, if other people have done the daily tx. I am a little late starting but I think given the circumstances I will start now (at almost a week out) and worm every day until the pups are 2 weeks old and them worm them. I just can't trust the pyrantel anymore and think I am dealing with a resistance problem. Thanks for the feedback! Oh, If I worm the pups at 2 weeks old, should I repeat it 2 or 3 weeks later??

If your puppies are a week I would suggest the usual 3 day dose, not 7 days as you indicated... unless I read that wrong. Do your bitch at the same time. Again at 5 weeks, again just before 8 weeks or going home. Good Luck

Re: Panacur

I don't think the pups will have parasites at all if you use the above protocol. The daily worming interrupts the life cycle of the migrating round worms and the pups should not have parasites. I would have a fecal done or just worm the pups as usual if you want to be sure.

Re: Panacur

Well, I wormed my girl for 2 days and she had a large bought of diarrhea this am and has been vomiting a little. I feel so bad for her! I don't think I'm going to worm her again today, I think I'll wait and worm her and the pups in another week when they are two weeks old. Just trying to get her back on track slowly with i/d diet and boiled hamburger and rice. Thanks for all the feedback, I thought I was on top of this but I guess not!