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pink ears and rears

Does anyone have any wisdom on dog allergies. We have used all the "right" food, spent a fortune, listened to a multitude of different opinions, but my dog is usually pink, and itchy. What is everyone feeding, is raw helping?

Re: pink ears and rears

Have you done allergy tests to find out exactly what it is the dog is allergic to?

I have fed Nature's Recipe Vegetarian formula to my old girl for several years now. She is allergic to everything. At 11 years of age we are relying on steroid sprays and just trying to keep her comfortable.

It is frustrating. Good luck.

Re: pink ears and rears

Have you actually worked with a Dermatologist? I would not adivse changing all this food until you know what you are dealing with. The proper Derm. will be able to help you.

Re: pink ears and rears

Do an elimination diet with California Naturals L&R.

Make sure your dog is flea free.

Talk to your vet about using Revolution, give one dose then another in 2 weeks for sarcoptic mites.

If your still having trouble, see a specialist.

Re: pink ears and rears

No fleas, what is L & R ?
does there not seem to be a lot more allergies in dogs? I know that is all my vet talks about.

Re: pink ears and rears

California Naturals Lamb and Rice

Re: pink ears and rears

Your vet is an idiot and probably trying to talk you into their crappy prescription diets.

What are you feeding that is the 'right' food? Other allergies can be seasonal.

I'd put your dog on a grain free, perhaps th 6 fish Origen or Evo and give 1 benedryl per day, and give 1 nice long soothing medicated bath and see if it gets better after about 2 months, that's how long before you vaguely notice a difference.

Don't go nuts switching foods, that NEVER helps, actually usually makes things much much worse.

Re: pink ears and rears

Double check that there are no fleas - the only real way to do this is to treat with flea preventative. Fleas will bite dogs but don't like them much and will drop off, so you may never see the fleas. The only thing you will see is the reaction. Fleas love cats - if you have cats in your house or in the neighborhood you almost certainly will have fleas. If not fleas, then I agree with doing allergy testing. Then you don't have to subject the dog to a long period of trial and error - you can eliminate the cause right away.

Re: pink ears and rears

I would recommend a consultation with a Veterinary Dermatologist. You will get the diagnostics needed to keep your dog comfortable. Also keep in mind that allergies are managed not cured just as they are in humans. Going to a dermatologist was the best thing I could have done for my allergy boy. I am able to keep his pretty comfortable most of the time. Best of luck!

Re: pink ears and rears

Homeopaths have an excellent track record with allergies. You must find a classically trained one though, not one that just took a 6 week veterinary course. I've used one myself and amazingly, the dog's skin changed almost overnight and she has made steady progress with this summer already MUCH better than the last. The first consultation is expensive but the remedies are cheap and the results will last a lifetime.

Re: pink ears and rears

Your vet is an idiot and probably trying to talk you into their crappy prescription diets.

What are you feeding that is the 'right' food? Other allergies can be seasonal.

I'd put your dog on a grain free, perhaps th 6 fish Origen or Evo and give 1 benedryl per day, and give 1 nice long soothing medicated bath and see if it gets better after about 2 months, that's how long before you vaguely notice a difference.

Don't go nuts switching foods, that NEVER helps, actually usually makes things much much worse.

I don't agree with feeding Orijen or Evo because they have too many ingredients. You should try a diet that has fewer ingredients in case it's the food. California Natural L&R is the simplest of foods with the least number of ingredients. A specialist will tell you that an elimination diet is the first step in finding out what's wrong.

Re: pink ears and rears

My dog has been on Royal Canine Sensitive Skin for 6 months. It seems a general consensus that seeing a derm or holistic Vet is the road to go.
I used to always go by the hearbal guide for dogs, but allergies just did not seem to be a problem I guess at that time, and is not addressed.
If anyone has more thoughts, I am all ears. Not pink ones. HA

Re: pink ears and rears

My dog has been on Royal Canine Sensitive Skin for 6 months. It seems a general consensus that seeing a derm or holistic Vet is the road to go.
I used to always go by the hearbal guide for dogs, but allergies just did not seem to be a problem I guess at that time, and is not addressed.
If anyone has more thoughts, I am all ears. Not pink ones. HA

I strongly encourage you to see a board certified DERMATOLOGIST, not a holistic vet. You need to first find out what type of allergies these are and once diagnosed then perhaps see a holistic vet for food suggestions etc.... A holistic vet simply does not do what a Dermatologist does. They are different. I have worked with both and both were great but DIFFERENT.

Re: pink ears and rears

If your dog has environmental allergies, which are more common than food allergies, trying different foods will not help. I strongly recommend that you see a veterinary dermatologist to find out exactly what your dog is allergic to. Only then can the vet prescribe an effective course of treatment.

Re: pink ears and rears

I would do a Thyroid profile and allergy testing.The allergy testing is so amazing!We see dogs at our practice that are allergic to dog hair,cat hair,pollen,etc etc.The food may not be a problem at all.

Re: pink ears and rears

If you want an answer, you must do an allergy test. I'll be cheaper on the long run, and your dog will be happier. There is no other way.
I still do not understand why people keep on thinking that it is all about the food. Most allergies on dogs are not food related. I do admit that 30 years ago allergies on dogs were very rare. They all started when commercial dry food became popular. Today, we know it is not about the protein, and it might not even be about the grains, but about the preservatives and the added ingredients.
I'm not fond of Raw or BARF diets at all, but a balanced meal cooked at home might help.
If you trust your vet go with him. At the end most allergy tests are done by and at Heska.
This is a life time problem that will not go away. You need to know the root of the problem to know how to manage it.

Good luck.

Re: pink ears and rears

My Veterinary Dermatologist does skin testing. Prior to testing I had to stop all medications and suppliments three weeks before skin testing. You have the results in minutes and if need be you leave with the allergens needed to start de-sensitizing your dog. You will also know what to eliminate from your dogs environment if it's possible to do so. It takes on average 9-12 months for the allergy shot to be took about 10 months for my boy. It was money well spent as far as I'm concerned. Best of luck with your itchy dog.

Re: pink ears and rears

I was told by a veterinary dermatologist, and confirmed with another, that laess than 15% of all allergies have anything to do with food. Without testing, we will be throwing money and frustration at a problem that will likely have no solution if we keep going down that road.

Re: pink ears and rears

Greg Lynch - Kellyn Labradors
I was told by a veterinary dermatologist, and confirmed with another, that laess than 15% of all allergies have anything to do with food. Without testing, we will be throwing money and frustration at a problem that will likely have no solution if we keep going down that road.

Greg. I was told a very close no. to yours, 10%-12% is food. The rest is environmet. This recently surfaced again from a recent vet conference that a lot of u went to. A great place to party. all vet assistants left the seminar with the same stats also

Thank you for sharing accurate information with us Mr. KELLYN. [/shake]