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Heartguard - If you forget???

I ALMOST forgot when, or even if I had given the girls Heartguard....couldn't find where I had written it... but did finally find that I had given it to them on 5/23 (found the calendar).... I was 3 days late but I know that they will be fine...
Unfortuantely, today I had a very bad senior moment!
Tell me, what would you do if you actually forgot when & if you'd actually did give them Hearguard....
Can you give it 2x in 1 month period?
Your thought would be appreciated!

Re: Heartguard - If you forget???

It's very safe at the level of Ivermectin contained in the chews, you'll be fine

Re: Heartguard - If you forget???

Best thing to do would be to call your Vet or call the 800 # on the box of Heartgard and speak to the support staff at Merial. On more then one occasion a client has called the practice that I work for to report that their dog ate an entire box of Heartgard over the weekend and the dogs were fine. Where I work the Vets would say to go ahead and give the Heartgard, but each pratice does things differently. For your peace of mind it's always best to consult with your Vet or with the Merial support staff.

Re: Heartguard - If you forget???

Its quite safe.I put the sticker on the calendar and put a checkmark on it after I give the dogs their dose.Otherwise I'd never remember if I did it or not.AAAAH,the aging process!

Heartguard - If you forget???

Thanks for your support!
Man getting old is not easy!
It's amazing that I just sat there and couldn't remember or find anything! Whewwwww!
Glad I'm not the only one!
Yes, I marked the date today!
However, OMG I forgot to go by the vet and by some Frontline!!!!!!
Holy Moleeeee! If it's not one thing it's another!

Re: Heartguard - If you forget???

Don't feel bad....a couple of years back I was getting all the dog meds ready in the morning along with my own and I accidently gave my old Cocker Spaniel (male) my Estrogen and I took his Thyroid meds! We were both OK except for all the dogs were VERY interested the male Cocker Spaniel for a few days...let's say there was a doggie Conga line going on for a couple of days!

Re: Heartguard - If you forget???(Melody)

I'm glad ya'll are OK. After saying that, Melody, I just about laughed my head off at the cocker and the conga line. LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!

Re: Heartguard - If you forget???

It is my understanding that the doses for the given weights of heartworm meds are way higher than necessary for heartworms. They do that for two reasons. 1) to treat intenstinal worms too. 2) In case you forget and give it late, then it will kill more advanced stages in the worm cycle. In other words, if you aren't sure if you gave the meds, wait a few weeks and then do it and you will be fine either way. The doses are high enough to be late with them but not so high that if you accidentally gave a double dose, they would still be fine. But it is nice to know that you can be safe and wait.

I would like someone in the know to comment on if my understanding is correct.