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running in circles

I just went to see a litter of 10 week old puppies and noticed that one of the puppies was spinning in circles more than the average puppy would do in playing. Has anyone ever seen this before? All of the puppies were robust and lovely in all normal ways. Should I be concerned?

Re: running in circles

Was he spinning try to get at an itch? Or chasing his tail? Or, was it more of a disoriented spin? Curious why there would be 10 week old pups to look at. Most pups are gone at that age.

Re: running in circles

Normal other wise? Is it a compulsive spin? Brain damage can cause those non sense spinning. If it is really something that concerns you, it is probably bad enough to be significant.

Re: running in circles

The puppies were still there because they said that the coowner who lives out of town needed to come pick theres first. All of the puppies run and play like normal puppies, but this one just caught my eye with the circling. I asked the breeder and he said that it was normal. I am relatively new to this and just want a nice dog.

Re: running in circles

I doubt this is related because the pup is too young - but it made me think of an interesting disorder in Bull Terriers called spinning.