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Glyco Flex ?

IF, you are giving Glyco Flex and vitamin C to your puppys as they grow, how long to you continue ?
Do you continue with one or the other or stop both at a certain age ?

Re: Glyco Flex ?

I keep my dogs on it for life, vitamin c is a good thing for them to be on for the immune system, the glyco-flex keeps their joints healthy and as they grow older they will not have as healthy joints as when they are young so I keep all my dogs on it for life.
A tip I learned too is that you can buy the EQ gylco-flex in the powder form and one rounded teaspoon is equal to 3 of the 300mg pills per day and it is much more economical.

Re: Glyco Flex ?

All of my dogs get chondroitin glucosamine and Vit C starting as soon as they eat individual portions, about 8-10 weeks. They do not come off it. For ease of dosage you might want to look at Phyto Flex CCM plus at Natures Farmacy. It is 1 teaspoon per every 30lbs.

Re: Glyco Flex ?

Maybe if Susan/Fenwyck took some it would help her.

Re: Glyco Flex ?

Thanks for the tip 'Admirer'. Actually I have taken Chondroitin Glucosamine w/MSN for nearly 25 years. I bike, roller blade and speed walk and I am sure it helps! Now if I could just find something to help with the vertigo!! LOL...getting older is just not for wussies!