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upright vacuum cleaners

What is the best upright vacuum cleaner? I'm looking for one that will be good for heavy shedding. I was told the Dyson is a good one.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

I love my Dyson! And I am really hard on it. It still sucks great!

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

I've done several, and they all die on me. The one I have now is a upright Hoover, and it is going back to the store. I learned and bought the 4 years extended service pack for this one though.
I'm curios to see what has worked for other people, so I can get something good next time. Hopefully I won't have to spend a fortune on it.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Have a Dyson and love it!
Also have a Kirby which is never used since we got the Dyson 4 years ago

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Ditto on the Dyson. I've had mine for 4 years and it works as well as the day I bought it. After seeing and using mine, my sister bought one and my mom is currently considering which model to add to her house.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Love my Oreck! it is very powerful, yet very light weight, I can carry it upstairs no problem!

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

I love my Oreck so much I bought a second one and gave it to my daughter. Best vacuum I ever owned - adjusts automatically for all surfaces, lightweight - does a great job.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Oreck here too.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Which Dyson do you recommend several Dyson Animals

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Does the Dyson scratch hard wood floors? I've heard stories about some that have that spinning thingy with the brushes that scratch up the floors but am wondering if Dyson is one of them?

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Does the Dyson scratch hard wood floors? I've heard stories about some that have that spinning thingy with the brushes that scratch up the floors but am wondering if Dyson is one of them?

Speaking only from my experience with my Dyson Animal Vac. The spinny things turn off and on. Which is my favorite feature. No scratching of my hard wood floors. Press the button, it is just a vaccum with no spinning. Great on tile and wood.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Got my purple Dyson Animal 6 years ago. I bet I vacuum 2 a day every day. it still works great! Easy to take apart and clean. Price tags seems high at purchase but worth every penny.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Oreck has soft bristles, and does not scratch floors...first thing I asked before buying mine.

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

Oreck all the way! I've had mine now for 6 years and LOVE it!

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

I've got a 5 year old dyson animal (purple one) and ten dogs that come in the house, sucks as good as when I bought it, had a kirby before and it couldn't handle all that dog hair!

Re: upright vacuum cleaners

I love my Oreck also, it's light, can go on hardwood and sucks up hair well. Only weakness is it does not get into the edges/corners very well and then I have to get smaller vaccuum out for edging.