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Momma losing hair

I tried to post this and it did not work as far as I saw, so if there ends up being 2 sorry.
Ok i have a black bitch and she is 4 and has had her second litter. She has always had the best coat. I thought maybe it was the heat and her shedding more but she has a few bald spots and her tail has lost a lot. Vet said it was just from her puppies but I was wondering what some might do to save a coat when this happens? TIA

Re: Momma losing hair

from my experience there isn't much you can do. Give her a warm bath and a good brushing ... you'll need to wait for the new coat to come in

Re: Momma losing hair

One of ours loses most of her coat when her pups are about 7 weeks.Since we started using Inflight she keeps alot of it,but still blows alot!Otherwise shes got a fantastic coat.She's a very protective doting mom,the stress of all that worry likely plays a part!

Re: Momma losing hair

Going through same thing here on my Black girl her 2 litter and this time really losing coat. Puppies just went home.

Re: Momma losing hair

You cannot change Mother Nature!! Feed her well and she will have a nice new coat in no time.

Re: Momma losing hair

Totally normal! The more she loses the better her coat will look when it grows back. And this is great timing - she'll probably be in peak coat for the fall specialties!

Re: Momma losing hair

Our bitch on her first litter when from bald with the WORST rat tail, to a nice coat with a better tail than before.

Re: Momma losing hair

When our Lily started losing coat right after having her last litter I was very concerned. I know that it is natural to blow coat after weaning the puppies, but this was hair everywhere and getting bald spots, leaving hair all over the whelping box about a week-10 days post whelping. This I knew was not normal. So I bought her a bag of EVO Chicken and mixed in a little goat milk powder and she grew the nicest coat. By the time the pups were gone she looked stunning. I had fed her EVO after her first litter just because I thouhgt it would be a good food to help her with nutrition, perhaps I didn't notice the that her coat was getting bad the first time because she was healthier post whelp on that food. I'll admit I spoiled her with it, it isn't cheap. I couldn't believe how much it improved her coat post whelp the 2 time. I was really worried, turned out great, she looked really nice when the new owners came to pick up their pups. Usually you want to hide them.

Re: Momma losing hair

Add Flaxseed oil or fish oil (I use pills) to her diet. If you use higher protein food during whelp, don't back off too soon. You can also hose her down with cold water to slow the loss. However, all nursing human mom's know women loose about 1/4 to 1/3 of their hair upon weaning and dogs are not much different. I keep brushing with a rubber curry comb, it comes back sooner than you think.

Re: Momma losing hair

Nothing you can do. Its going to happen. Some go very bald. Just give her a good bath with a gentle shampoo and she'll come back soon. Good dog food.