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Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

What do you think past issues of the Julie Brown Directory and Lab Quarterly would be worth? I have a friend who is clearing the shelves and needs an answer.

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

I can't answer your question, but they make excellent donations for raffle at specialties

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

Yes they do but unfortunately they are not mine to donate.

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

Not sure how far back does she have?

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

I gave mine away.

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

It really depends on what years they are, I would think. There is no absolute answer - but I would think that you could check for back issue prices on each website and get 25 to 50% of that, IF you could find the right person (s) to sell to.

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

I would think that if the old issues go back far enough, most of the dogs are not available anymore and the magazines wont be worth anything except for sentimental value. I doubt anytime soon a LQ collection is going to be as valuable as a "Playboy" collection. I would give your friend the advise to donate them to a club for a raffle item. It wouls be almost impossible to sell them. Try ebay if she has to get $5 for them. JMO

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

I gave alot of mine away also. Let someone else enjoy them. Have donated some. Have tryed to buy some old issues I wanted just for the pedigrees. Think they were $10/12. plus shipping. Bet someone will bite.

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

Why not contact Julie Brown Sturman, she's a sweetie, she may know someone who would be interested. Not everyone can afford to donate. The comment I find most interesting is the person who felt with the older issues the dogs are therefore not important. Well, if they are breeders it might take some of the guesswork out of their dogs or litters if they had a visual image of their bloodlines. Do you think Mary made "James" with her eyes closed to her bloodlines??? What about Carols' little black clones??????????????????

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

"The comment I find most interesting is the person who felt with the older issues the dogs are therefore not important. Well, if they are breeders it might take some of the guesswork out of their dogs or litters if they had a visual image of their bloodlines."

This comes under the category of "If there's something obvious that needs to be said, if you wait, someone else will say it." Thanks, NHL- I was thinking the same thing.

I stopped subscribing to LQ in 2002 in protest over how I was treated by the publishers. I would be happy to buy all the back issues up to the present if i can do so without enriching the Hoflin people. See my email address and have your friend get in touch!

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

Thanks everyone for your input. I will pass all your info on to him.

Re: Quarterlys and Julie Brown Directories

Yes, someone missed the lesson on checking out the pedigrees. Really funny. I indeed love the pictures and pedigree of the older LQ. It is the only place to see what great grandfathers and mothers looked like in our current dogs. They are not "just" for looking for a stud dog.