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dumping/digging in water buckets

I have a lab that I am watching that WILL NOT leave the water bucket alone. She either digs in it as soon as I fill it or dumps it the moment I leave the area. I want her to be able to get some fresh air and play with my dogs for awhile in morning before it gets hot but she dumps the bucket in two seconds. I have my dogs to think of to for thier water. Even tried putting it up higher on fence. Don't Work. Can't havea baby pool since we just reseeded our lawn.
HELP She is driving me crazy,

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Oh I hope someone has the answer because I have the exact same problem. I DO have a baby pool and it makes no difference, she gets right in the water bowls and digs like there is no tomorrow. They are elevated and she still gets in them and stands..she is making me crazy!

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I Have 2 water bowl diggers-one even gets in the toilet and digs! I use the bigger horse buckets and use two snaps to secure it to a fence or other structure. In the summer I leave 3 buckets just in case. They do make automatic waterers but i have never tried them. Good luck- I think it's kinda funny until they run through my house and jump on the couch with wet feet!

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Have you tried one of the automatic lickers that you attach to the hose bibb? Or even one of the large rabbit licker bottles that you can attach to a holder on the wall??
Water = Fun for the labs and my experience is that they will have fun with anything they can! Too bad their idea of fun is not always ours!!

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Susan ~ Fenwyck
Have you tried one of the automatic lickers that you attach to the hose bibb? Or even one of the large rabbit licker bottles that you can attach to a holder on the wall??
Water = Fun for the labs and my experience is that they will have fun with anything they can! Too bad their idea of fun is not always ours!!

Actually Susan took the words right out of my mouth. The only other suggestion could be an elevated water bowl. That worked for me with one of my Labs. Note "one." Labs do love their water any way they can get it!

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I get the big galvinized water tubs from the feed store and fill them up. The diggers have a blast but don't seem to be able to dig all that water out. I so far never had a dog that could dump it. You can get different sizes of water tubs from 20 gallons on up. I have the smaller sizes in the kennel runs, and the larger sizes in the play areas. They love the larger sizes to lay down in and cool off.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I have a Lix-it outside on the water faucet, only two of mine use it regularly though. One of the two that uses it has also learned how to tip the end of the nipple so water drains down over her body and gets wet that way. LOL

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Same problem here. It's a little embarrasing when "company" is over. LOL.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

My Lab used to do this also. Her water bowl is in the house so the mess was awful. I went to Home Depot and bought a 2 gal bucket (white paint type) and placed two pavers in the bottom. This raised the bowl I put inside and made it too heavy for her to turn over. End of problem. It doesn't look very attractive but I don't have to mop up the floor except for her Lab drool after a drink.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I to have two labs that do this. I worry about them not having water to drink when it is warm outside. I can't even leave to go to the store and leave them out because when I come home they have NO water. If the animal control officers ever came here they would see no sufficant water. I have tried everything. They have a pool to swim in.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Try hanging the bucket, so standing they can get to it, but cannot get into it. Works here.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I have one who likes to do his own water retrieves. Takes his ball, drops it in the water bucket, then dives in to get it. Then usually takes the ball, plays with it in the dirt for a bit, and does another water retrieve. It really is annoying, but then he is so darn hilarious about the whole thing I can't be too mad. The other dogs don't think it's funny, tho. ;-/

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets
Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I have one that absolutely cannot be put in a run or left out with the other dogs. She has to be a housedog for sanitation reasons. Combine a poop eater, water bucket digger and one who puts their toys in the water; what do you get? My Hottie. She will take the poop, put it in the bucket, then try to dig it back out. It is the most disgusting thing I have ever had a dog do. EVER! So, she is always in the house and goes out in the front yard supervised for play time.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Devon I think you got us all beat. That has to top it all off

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Deven, I thought I had a problem, now I consider myself LUCKY!

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I turn all of my dogs out together in the morning, there are 12 out there, and one of them is a bucket digger. I place two 3 gallon stainless steel buckets hung extra high so everyone has to stand on their rears to get a drink. [it makes for great looking buns] Then beside the buckets I put a large 30 gallon rubber container full of water, it seems to pacify the guilty party, so I can be sure all the dogs have water at all times.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I have several who do the same thing. Fresh water out there and in 1 minute, it's empty. I'm home so I usually let them wait a while and then re-fill them. You got me to thinking , though. What if you put containers in the freezer that you could make big chunks of ice in and put into the pail. It would last longer.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I wouldn't use ice at all for the dogs, your asking for bloat as the ice makes the stomach contract.
Devon, ewwwwww on your lab that does that, that one takes the cake! Or should I say poop eater to another level lol

Lab Breeder
I have several who do the same thing. Fresh water out there and in 1 minute, it's empty. I'm home so I usually let them wait a while and then re-fill them. You got me to thinking , though. What if you put containers in the freezer that you could make big chunks of ice in and put into the pail. It would last longer.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

After trying everything, this is the only thing that worked:

I put a plate attached to the wall, so it picks up the running water and then they have water in a bowl to drink or play with, but also have fresh clean and cool water at all times.
I put a hose 6" wire fortified extension to take it off the wall, so they don't damage the siding.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

We solved this problem by pouring cement outside where the water dish goes. Put the dish in the cement until the top of the dish is flush with the cement then pull out the dish while the cement dries. After the cement is dry, put the dish in the cement and its about impossible for the dog to move the dish. Our dish has a float and is automatic but can be removed from the cement(by a human) for easy cleaning.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

I have the automatic horse waters that you can hook up to pvc pipe or hose. the can dig all they want but it fills back up with fresh water. it is small enough that after a while they dont find it much fun.

My guys have a short sided 300 gallon water trough to play in as well.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Deven, I just snorted coffee out of my nose! I know it's not funny when you have to deal with it, but it's just nice to know that we all do crazy things for our four legged friends. :^) Thanks for the morning smile.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

My water diggers don't do it when it is cool, not as fun I guess. When it starts to get warm, they start. But when it gets hot, they stop again. I guess they figure out that it sucks being thirsty in the hot weather.

Re: dumping/digging in water buckets

Deven, I just snorted coffee out of my nose! I know it's not funny when you have to deal with it, but it's just nice to know that we all do crazy things for our four legged friends. :^) Thanks for the morning smile.

I guess when you think about it, Hottie has us outwitted. She is the only dog who never has to be out in the dog run, she is always in the A/C and she never gets boarded! I have to get a friend to take her home and babysit her when I go out of town. Spoiled dog!