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Hips and Penn Hip

When making a comparison. What is Penn Hip 50% to OFA rating? Good, fair?

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

You would be better off posting the distraction index for both hips rather than the percentile. Penn Hip does not issue clearances, it merely tells you where your dog falls in comparison to the other dogs which have been evaluated by their method. If you have an abundance of dogs evaluated who have less than good hips, then a 50% rating would be somewhere in the middle of that pile of loose hips. If the dogs evaluated all have excellent hips, then your standing would be better. Without having the exact statistics and DI information, no one can possibly make an educated evaluation.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

I don't think that you can make that sort of comparison. I have tested several of my dogs (both ways) and I have a 90% dog that is OFA Good and a 50% bitch that is OFA Good. I also have a bitch that was .54 and .46 who ended up in the 40th% (not 50th)(as my other bitch with almost the same readings, just a smidge better), who ended up OFA Fair on the second set of x-rays. OFA quotes that 50% of the non-passing grades - pass on the second set of x-rays.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

The times I've sent 2nd set for evaluation to OFA at least 6 month apart, they've always turned back 1 grade lower than the previously sent.
Has it been just bad luck, or is it not so true that they (puppies) usually (or 50% as stated)get better x-rays as they mature.
Like a clock:
preliminaries good came back fair
preliminaries fair came back BL
preliminaries BL came back Mild
preliminaries mild came back moderate.

I know some people have posted that their dog got better, but is it just the exception or the rule?

I would like to hear what people real experiences are.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

Here are all of the ones we have done over the past 5 years or so...we generally do prelims around 12 mos. When doing them around this age they seem to be more consistant with the final reading. I often will take puppies that are younger in (6-8 mos old) to just get an xray read to see if things are progressing normally. We don't send these in.

Bitch # 1 - age of xray 12 mos - OFA Prelim Hips Good/Elbows Normal Finals: Hips Good / Elbows Normal

Bitch # 2 - age of xray 12 mos - OFA Prelim Hips Good / Elbows Normal. Finals: Hips Good / Elbows Normal

Bitch #3 - age of 6 mos - OFA Prelim Hips Excellent. Finals: Hips Good / Elbows Normal

Dog #1 - age of xray 12 mos - OFA Prelim Hips Good / Elbows Normal. Finals: Hips Good / Elbows Normal

Dog # 2 - age of xray 12 mos - OFA Prelim Hips Excellent / Elbows Normal. Finals: Hips Excellent / Elbows Normal

Dog #3 - age of xray 12 mos - OFA Prelim Hips Excellent / Elbows Normal. Finals: Hips Excellent / Elbows Normal

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

I've been doing PennHIP for a while, so to answer your question, a dog at 50th percentile is most likely Good. It could also be Fair or Excellent as OFA is not very consistent. I have never seen a 50th percentile that did not pass OFA. Which is not to say it could never happen, but it would be very, very rare.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

Thank you for a the very straight forward, simply answer I was asking for.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

In reality it's unwise to compare OFA ratings and PennHIP ratings. For example, I personally know an OFA excellent rated in the PennHIP bottom 20%.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

experienced PennHIP'r
In reality it's unwise to compare OFA ratings and PennHIP ratings. For example, I personally know an OFA excellent rated in the PennHIP bottom 20%.

By bottom 20%, do you mean to say what PennHIP would call 80th percentile?

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

To be more precise, DIs were .57/.57 and the percentage was 20% and the OFA ratings were Excellent.

To achieve the 80th percentile these days in PennHIP would require DIs about .35-.38.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

Did you note that this dog had been OFA'd previously and these were re-do's?
This happened to me and someone told me never to indicate that x-rays of the dog had been submitted

Maybe OFA does not like to be second-guessed....
This whole OFA thing is too subjective for me and it saddens me that as a responsible breeder I have had to eliminate dogs from my breeding program that were perfectly sound by all accounts.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

experienced PennHIP'r
To be more precise, DIs were .57/.57 and the percentage was 20% and the OFA ratings were Excellent.

To achieve the 80th percentile these days in PennHIP would require DIs about .35-.38.

I would check those numbers again. I can't believe that .57 on both sides wouldn't be at least 50th percentile

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

I am quite certain of the DIs, and the 50th percentile
currently has been about .46-48 for the past several years.

Re: Hips and Penn Hip

Seemed like the easiest thing would be to call and ask. So I called the University of Pennsylvania and here are the answers.

The current median DI for Labrador Retrievers is .46 A dog with a DI of .57 would be in the 30th percentile.

I personally don't get upset when OFA and PennHIP don't agree. OFA evaluations can have a lot of variability between the 3 evaluators. My worst case OFA Fair had individual ratings of Good, Fair and Moderate.

I have more faith in PennHIP scores. So I would be impressed with an OFA Good that was 90th percentile PennHIP. I would not be impressed with an OFA Excellent that was 30th percentile PennHIP. We know that does happen from time to time. That is my take on it.