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Website hacking!!

Have any of you had your websites hacked recently??? A bunch of mine have been, and I wanted to know what have you done to ensure they are secure, and what host servers are secure?? I have changed passwords, and now I am looking for a SECURE host server. There are 3 different hosting servers involved, so it's not just one. And my computer is clean. The codes are all injected at the host's site. It's unbelievably miserable for me, and for my clients. TIA!

Re: Website hacking!!

What host are you using? Or have been hacked? That might be helpful in getting answers. There are many hosting services out there.

Re: Website hacking!!

Hosting servers are: DotEasy, Network Solutions, and BlueDomino.

Re: Website hacking!!

We don't use any of those, so not sure. Have you contacted them to see what they have or can give you for information?? Maybe IP's that have gotten into your accounts.

Re: Website hacking!!

I was virused by a few breeder sites in the past year or 2. I assume they were hacked by someone else b/c the owner wouldn't do it on purpose.

Talk to the other website owners and builders. They should have some ideas how to keep yours clean. Did you ask your hosting company if they are having problems? Why do you need 3 hosting servers? That's past what I know about websites.

Re: Website hacking!!

There are 3 different hosting servers that I deal with, because clients had signed with them before they contacted me about websites.

Re: Website hacking!!

Go Daddy for price.

Pair Networks ( for security. These guys are rock solid and handle some of the biggest (and smallest) commercial sites around. They do NOT have a problem with hacking.

Re: Website hacking!!