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Speaking of Penn Hip , for you NJ,PA NY, DE peeps

I just did Will's Penn Hips , OFA hips , and elbows at the University OF PA. They take 3 views of the elbows , not just the one OFA wants and grade them based on all three elbow views. He graded NORMAL Yahoo!!!
The best news is for all 9 films,( 3 views of hips and 3 views of each elbow) anesthesia , time with the research fellow, Dr Karbe, the cost was only $430 . I would recommend anybody within driving distance go there and do all of the above. It is well worth the money and you get WAY more info for your dollar . The appt was at 1PM I had him back at 3PM and discussing the films. EXTREMELY HAPPY with the service and cost, can you tell???

Re: Speaking of Penn Hip , for you NJ,PA NY, DE peeps

I've done both PennHIP and OFA on my guy.. that keeps all bases covered!!

Re: Speaking of Penn Hip , for you NJ,PA NY, DE peeps

I paid $800 plus for the PennHIP films and then another $800 plus for OFA at my vet ... oh, and did I mention the charge for the OFA prelims????

It's worth the 6 hour drive!!

Re: Speaking of Penn Hip , for you NJ,PA NY, DE peeps

The vet at Penn and I discussed breeders not getting on board with PennHip and I told her that it was cost prohibitive in many areas, that if they could regulate the price somehow, it might be more appealing. I PennHip and OFA, My judgement is made on the Pennhip, the OFA is for the rest of the world.....