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Concrete Pad

Would any of you care to give me your opinion of what the cost would be for a 12 x 18 cement kennel pad? Nothing fancy. Slightly sloped for run off. Done by professional, not the hubby and guy next door ... although I would if I could.

Re: Concrete Pad

with tear up of an old pad? About $1200 i'd say. I had the top half of my drive way re-done 11 x 36 so about half of yours at mine was $2200 from a contractor.

Re: Concrete Pad

No. There is no existing pad. Will be pouring a new concrete pad and whatever preparation is necessary.

Re: Concrete Pad

Hi, I have a concrete business and I would charge someone 800.00 for a job like that if there was a way to get a tractor in to dig the area out for prep. If not and needed to be dug out by hand 1,000. I think that would be a very fair price with the economy.

Re: Concrete Pad

Travis, is that just your labor or labor and materials?

our last pad is 30 x 20, around $2500 for concrete and $1500 for labor.
I am in North Florida.

Re: Concrete Pad

The quote I have is quite a bit more than that. Will have to ask specifics. Thanks.

Re: Concrete Pad

Well you are looking at about 3 yards of concrete. Some companies have a minimum that they will deliver and a couple of phone calls to a concrete company will tell you how much a yard is and the minimum delivery amount would be. Then you will need a finisher, again most have a minimum charge. Almost two years ago I put in about 8 yards. I paid $112 per yard for the concrete and then $40 (minimum 10 yards so it was $400) a yard to get it finished. Be sure to order the type that has fiberglass in it as it helps the cracking. I prepared the site, laid the forms, and put plastic down. The finisher would be glad to lay the forms etc. If you have to do any leveling, digging, etc, that is another story. My 8 yards cost a total of $1296.00.

Re: Concrete Pad

The site I have will be done entirely by the contractor; from start to finish.

Re: Concrete Pad

Honestly not that hard to finish it yourself - which will save you some money. All you need is a 2 x 4 to use to level it, a wooden float to work the concrete, and then a corn broom about an hour after it's started to set to put a skid free finish on it. Don't use a metal trowel - it causes the water to come to the top and then the finish flakes off after it dries ...

Been there, done that, was my "summer job" - dad was a contractor - not so hard as it looks.

The distaff side.

Re: Concrete Pad

I just had a driveway approach poured by a contractor. It was 30 x 30 and it cost me $2,500. for everything.

Re: Concrete Pad

Sounds easy enough if you're 20, not when you're 70.

Re: Concrete Pad

We had a 30 x 20 pad poured a year and a half ago - I believe it cost $1800. We already had a stone base and plenty of rocks around to level, so the contractor didn't have to get any more rocks, just concrete.

Re: Concrete Pad

That would be for labor and material.
This is what you would have in it.

-12x18=216 square feet divided by 80 to figure yards and that comes to 2.7 yards of concrete. Concrete is 100 dollars per yard contractor rate so rounded up 275.00 This would be 4 inches thick

-2x4's to form it up 30.00
-Dig out/haul off/ form up 200.00
Unless you are driving on it and your soil is compacted well I wouldnt worry about gravel underneath for just a kennel. If it is attaching to the house just drill in some rebar dials.

Total for concrete/materials/prep=500
Finish labor= 300

I think anything over 1,000 is unreasonable. You could probably find someone that does tractor work to dig it out cheaper and if the truck cant reach the back hire kids to wheel barrel it to the back instead of getting charged 300 for a concrete pump.

I live in Utah and this is pretty much the going rate.

Re: Concrete Pad

See my above response to Sampson Labs and any question just e-mail me. If you get specifics I can tell you where they are trying to make their money