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Cause of small bitch trend

Lot's of talk about size recently and one post mentioned that there seems to be a good number of small (perhaps under current standard) bitches. I seem to have this problem in one of my bitch lines. Lovely girls whom barely make height standard or don't at all. I'm not about ready to throw them out (please don't take that literally) but need to know what is going on and how to remedy it.

I know better than to breed such a bitch to a huge boy (huge and small do not equal medium)

After recently reading The Labrador Breeders Handbook by Debbie Kay of Chilbrook , I am realizing I might have to do a good bit of pedigree research to help improve on the size. Fantastic book by the way.

Anyone have any insight on the small bitch problem?

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

I'm curious as to what the answer is as well. I have a good sized ~TYPEY~ girl who is comfortably within the height standard for females. When I was showing her, she quite possibly was the largest girl in her classes almost always. In fact, she looked oversized compared to all the smaller girls in there with her.

Interestingly, I have bred this girl to several times to decent sized boys and her daughters tend to be on the smaller side, almost to the point of not making standard height. The boys she produces have been a good size.

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

Doesn't this tell you that the genetics in our breed are for 20-21" bitches, not over 21"? I know my "big" bitches - the ones that look good-sized in the ring are barely 21" - certainly no bigger. I had one pet bitch who was 24" tall - she was an Amazon - huge, long legs, but supposedly as acceptable as a 21" bitch, but you'd never, ever see that in the show ring (nor would I have wanted to show her).

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

Breed to a dog who is known to produce size, not one who is of a good size.

My bitch is the only one in her litter of 10 to meet standard height, and only barely at 21 1/4".

Two years ago, I bred her to a small dog who I knew produced a good size, and voila! A litter of pups where all but one is to standard.

(Just wish their darn tails weren't so short!) Its always something!

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

As a long time enthusiast of horse breeding it has long been noted that line breeding/in breeding seem to reduce size and that size (and vigor by the way) can be re-introduced by out crossing.

It is interesting to me that some of the most lovely and typical bitches come from very well established lines belonging to breeders who have developed a very defined type and that these bitches are often times quite small. Also some very lovely chocolate dogs/bitches with pedigrees of predominantly chocolate lines sometimes lack size.

Just an observation. I'm sure this is not the only reason that some of our bitches are barely reaching the 'new' standard. I'm pretty sure that has more to with that standard having become elevated. Labradors as a breed certainly predate that amendment and I don't think that slightly smaller than the standard should be so heavily penalized or that it should preclude such a bitch from being used in a program-especially if she is balanced and typical in all other ways.

Just my opinion. There is simply too many other things to worry yourself sick over.

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

Doesn't this tell you that the genetics in our breed are for 20-21" bitches, not over 21"? I know my "big" bitches - the ones that look good-sized in the ring are barely 21" - certainly no bigger. I had one pet bitch who was 24" tall - she was an Amazon - huge, long legs, but supposedly as acceptable as a 21" bitch, but you'd never, ever see that in the show ring (nor would I have wanted to show her).

Totally agree on this. Why do we fight our genetics? Puppy people would be much happier if we left things alone rather and bred nice typy smaller Labradors than trying to make them so huge! I wouldn't keep having to place my small pick puppies!

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

Dogs and bitches on the small end of our standard are right in the middle of the international standard I believe. This is not a problem.

If you are talking smaller than the international standard, then maybe we have a problem.

Re: Cause of small bitch trend

Dogs and bitches on the small end of our standard are right in the middle of the international standard I believe. This is not a problem.

If you are talking smaller than the international standard, then maybe we have a problem.

No the small end of our standard is the IDEAL for the FCI and UK standards, which reads: "Ideal height at the withers Dogs 22-22.5", Bitches 21.5-22" " It is the US standard that called for a taller dog mainly because the working conditions in this country called for a taller dog. If these are the ideal heights, then what would be considered too big or too small? The standards basically say that any deviation from the above standard should be be considered to the point at which it interfers with the health and welfare of the dog as well as working ability.

The early develop of this breed included many smaller dogs. Remember this is a "medium" sized breed by all accounts. I wonder why we all feed "large breed" puppy food to a breed that is supposed to be a medium size? I generally prefer a 20-21" bitch! My boys over the years have not been huge either and I remember so many pet people bragging about how their Lab is over a 100 pounds!! That was the pet market thinking bigger was better.

At any rate I do remember showing a 22" bitch and having her stand out in the ring. The judge even asked how big she was!