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Fabulous Judges/breeder education seminar Michigan

Thought I would share my experience with the list.

What an opportunity this was ths past weekend. This would be nice if something like this in Ontario or other provinces or even other states would do for judges and breeders to get together with the sporting group or even other groups under one event so judges and breeders have an opportunity to go from ring to ring and learn about the different breeds as breeders or if you are thinking of going to be a judge.

I do not know where to start. It was fabulous.

There were 17 sporting breeds .The wired and short hair pointers, golden’s, labs, Springer spaniels, English cockers, Irish red and whites, English setters, Chesapeake’s, Brittany’s, curly coats, flat coats and field spaniels.
Each breed had a mentor judge for all the provisional judges, new upcoming judges and also several full judges adn even breeders who wanted to learn more. There were judges from Texas, Tennessee, and several other states who drove all the way for this as they received merit for attending this for their criteria in becoming a judge.

I had a great opportunity to handle several dogs in the rings and get first hand info from the mentor judges teaching the others judges about the standards and criteria in the breed. Also I had an opportunity to be mentored for the Springer’s, Brittany’s, Chesapeake’s, Spaniels and the Red and whites( new to the AKC Fall 2008).

The mentor judges were fabulous in going over each dogs that was brought there and the standards. I had a great opportunity to ask many questions with movement, structure, size, head piece. One nice thing was that several breeds brought dogs that would be disqualified, so the judges could see the differences and why.
There were 5 new judges that came to the labrador ring( as each breed had a ring to demonstrate). The breeder judge and mentor( Pauline Mortier lubberline labradors) did a fabulous job, explaining to the new judges and some that were working on this group or breed, about movement, structure, balance, head piece, muzzle length, intent of the dog. so many things.She took the time to explain and answer questions related to our breed.

Also a demo for each breed in doing field work was presented to the judges on what each breed does on land and water work. Each breed had several conformation dogs doing there hunt type work and the mentors in each breed explained the purpose and the reasoning .

I had a great opportunity to sit with Carl Leipman and several other judges at lunch to learn many things.. Even a sight hound breeder judge was there to learn about labs as he is going for this breed next.
He was amazed that he learn so many new things about a lab, that he did not even realize as he was not understanding many things regarding carriage, gaiting, overall balance. Afterwards I had an opportunity to chat with him over coffee and cake, and he wanted to see my girl again to explain what he was learning. This was great.

The best thing I thought of the day was that when the red and whites were doing their breed, so many were interested that we all gathered around to be educated. It was a fabulous presentation that club put on to demonstrate their breed and their faults and all about them. Even so much as they shaved some of the hair off the dogs to show good, and bad structure. The curly coat people ( man they were great, there was more curly coats that at a show, I think 15 showed up. The Chesapeake club had about 12 to demonstrate. All the breeds had a great representation of their breeds.

I think this was a great opportunity to learn about my own breed, and always you learn something new an especially the other breeds that I was interested in learning more.
The breed seminar packages that were handed out were full of information and valuable. I have a lot of reading to do now..

This was held at a hunting lodge with 1400 acres and beautiful grounds for working the dogs.
The judges were impressed with the knowledge in seeing what each breed does do in the field, and how they do it in retrieving.
Some breeds were not there this year as this was the first event. So hopefully they will be there next year

This was a great opportunity to see the other breeds and chat with the other breeders first hand.

I enjoyed myself and gain a lot of knowledge.

I just wanted to share the experience with you all.If you have an opportunity in your state like this, I recommend it greatly.

Re: Fabulous Judges/breeder education seminar Michigan

Denise, was this the event that Kathy Weicha helped coordinate putting together? If it was, I heard about all the hard work she was putting into orgainizing it. Kudos to Kathy.


Re: Fabulous Judges/breeder education seminar Michigan

Yes, it was the event Kathy put together.

It was held at Hunters Creek Club in Metamora, MI. The club was orginially founded by Charlie Mann Sr initially for the purpose of training gun dogs and they have beautiful grounds and training ponds.

As a member of the club, we happened to be there as observers and it looked like a great event. Kathy deserves whatever Kudos come her way as do Kim Bryson and several other members of the Huron River Labrador Retriever Club for their organization of the Retriever demonstration. They really had their act together.

And FYI, HRLRC will be holding a field training day at the club on July 12th. Check out the HRLRC website for more details if your in the area.

Re: Fabulous Judges/breeder education seminar Michigan

Yes this was the event that Kathy Wiecha( Honadore Labradors)set up and executed and she did a fabulous job. From the responses talking with people, they all enjoyed themselves and it was so much fun. They all want to come back next year and do it again.
Kim Bryson- did a fantastic job with the demonsrtation in the field work. It was great to have her explain to all. Kim you did a wonderful job...Kuddos
One thing I would like to see next time if this event is held, that we have some labradors that breeders produce that lack the qualities, so the judges can see the differences in the good qualities in structure and the not so good in structure, just like the Red and Whites did in their breed to demonstrate.
Also, since I became the parking attendant person( no one to do that job),it is not easy to park over 100 vehicles in a lot with no lines and actaul parking spaces. I learn a lot from this. loll.But all the people were great in taking directions on were to park and how to park some of these largers vehicles..I even designated a Handicap spot , which they did not have one.Maybe someone who knows better on how to park that many vehicles could do this next year.
Once again Kathy you did a fantastic job, planning ,executing this woonderful opportunity for all the people and most of all the judges who came to learn. There were approx 25 judges who attended

Re: Fabulous Judges/breeder education seminar Michigan

Here is a link to the Photographer that took some candid shots of the dogs that were at the seminar