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Continental Airlines requirements for riding with pup in cabin

My client insists that a acclimation certificate is required by Continental Airlines to fly in the CABIN (I've heard of them needing this if they are flying cargo)
Do you think the person on the phone just did not know what they were talking about, or have any of you recently had an experience of flying with your pup under your seat, and having to get an acclimation certificate for Continental? Of course, I know they require a health certificate, that is standard.

Re: Continental Airlines requirements for riding with pup in cabin

not a big deal just have your vet write one out when you get required health certificate.

Re: Continental Airlines requirements for riding with pup in cabin

That's what we always do, needed or not. Not a big deal.

Re: Continental Airlines requirements for riding with pup in cabin

Although Continental does not require anything other then a health certificate issued within 10 days of flight be it on board or shipping via cargo, as others said it's easy to get what your client is asking for from your vet and is not a big deal.

Re: Continental Airlines requirements for riding with pup in cabin

My vet writes that information right on the health certificate.