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True Companion Dog Training ??

Does anyone know anything about this training center ?? It is located in Tyler Hill PA. A family that has one of my puppies plans on sending their puppy here for training......I told them I would check it out. I don't believe in sending a puppy out to be trained.....would like some feed back.......

Re: True Companion Dog Training ??

I don't like families that are not willing to invest time on training their dogs. Is it 2-3 hours a week too much to ask?

Re: True Companion Dog Training ??

There surely may be some legitimate reasons for getting help with training. Perhaps you can simply contact the people at this place and inquire as to their training process. It can be hard to find someone one can trust to teach in a gentle manner, as hard-headed as these little pups can be.

If the family is vacationing and unable to take the pup along, this might be an ideal time to board him someplace with some positive training lessons built in. Oops, mine is ringing the bell to go outside to potty - gotta go!

Re: True Companion Dog Training ??

If you are uncomfortable with this, offer to take the puppy and train him yourself.
I don't have much experience with this, but it doesn't sit well with me at all, either.
I found the website, and while I didn't see anything but dummies and such, it still makes me nervous.
At least they asked you.
Follow your gut, Linda. Be honest with the owners and please let us know what happens.

Re: True Companion Dog Training ??

I've found training to be a life-long thing-It's not just 1 week or even 1 month! It's 50/50-50 percent is training the dog and 50 percent is training the people. JMO