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EIC...where to test and what age?

I'm wanting to test a 6 month old bitch I have, and was wondering, how is this done, where, and is this an appropriate age?

EIC...where to test and what age?

google EIC
Univ of Minn Vet
search this site just put EIC in

Re: EIC...where to test and what age?

here is the link

and this one is for the submission forms

hope this helps you as googling sometimes, if you are not sure what to google, will send you to many links.

Re: EIC...where to test and what age?

DDC is way faster and you get the results, not your vet.

Re: EIC...where to test and what age?

DDC is way faster and you get the results, not your vet.

...except that you can not put results from DDC on OFA as they do not recognize that test. U of M is the only lab recognized by OFA. Just FYI.

Re: EIC...where to test and what age?

Thanks all, I've got everything in order to get it done!

Re: EIC...where to test and what age?

DDC may be slightly faster (UMN is averaging about 2 weeks), but please note: You cannot submit test results to the OFA database - it says right on the DDC web site that OFA will not recognize results of this test.

Furthermore, please keep in mind that the folks at UMN put so much time and energy into the research. Their test is reasonably priced. What incentive is there for Researchers to put their energy into genetic research for our Labradors if we thumb our nose at them by going to labs like the DDC.