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Securing ex pens

I have several ex pens attached together for a puppy "yard". Any ideas on how to secure them into the ground so they cannot be pushed over/around?

Re: Securing ex pens

If they are on your yard or dirt, you can stake them down with tent stakes. If they are on hard ground like concrete, you can use zip ties to anchor them to a post or something.

Re: Securing ex pens

For grass/sand, I've seen people use plastic fence posts that have a stake at the bottom (like a tent stake) and then bungee the expen to that.

To keep rigidity at the top,use either broom handles or long pieces of wood bungeed horizontally to the top edge to keep the pen from bending.

Re: Securing ex pens

Our friend uses lengths of ribar (?sp) in the ground with zap straps/ cable ties around them, we uses fence stakes the plastic ones, but they curved sideways after a while...................good luck, C

Re: Securing ex pens

For my puppy x-pen area, I purchased a pop-up canopy to stabilze the x-pens and provide protection from the sun. I secure the canopy with the tent stakes and then use bungees to secure the x-pens to the 4 corner posts. I use zip-ties to connect the x-pens together.

I have also done this at dog shows for my older dogs.