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July 1

Happy Canada Day to one and all!

Re: July 1

Is that the correct pedigree on your dog Rustle, on the Spotlight page ???

Re: July 1

nope it isn't and I am in the process of fising it now. Right b4 I left for Holland , my pc was a mjor hassle and I am still trying to get things up to speed. If anyone see's anything else amiss. please let me know.


Rustle's Pedigree

Thanks Jill!

Re: Rustle's Pedigree

it's correct now ;-)


Re: Rustle's Pedigree

The pedigree on Hyspire's new import has an error also.

Re: July 1

I can't agree more - for all you Canucks - Have a Happy Canada Day! Unfortunately, I had to work. Our horse patients still get sick on a stat holiday. On a good note, I'll get to see the fireworks tonight.