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Springfeild Show

Hi.Any results today yet? Thanks

Re: Springfeild Show

They were on in mid morning.Info not up.I am curious as well.....Anybody?

Re: Springfeild Show

Springfield Masachusetts...........Was not there but awould like to know who took the breed

Re: Springfeild Show

They were on at 8 this morning ... anyone know who won?

Re: Springfeild Show

You guys are blind. Or lazy.

Re: Springfeild Show

RJ tooks his 10th BIS in Springfield today!

Congrats Diane, Joy & RJ!

Re: Springfeild Show

RJ tooks his 10th BIS in Springfield today!

Congrats Diane, Joy & RJ!

This post showed up twice already on two different threads. Is the list acting up again with double posts?

I'm going to the link supplied. Congratulations to All of the winners.

Re: Springfeild Show

Don't think it's the forum

Another bdr
RJ tooks his 10th BIS in Springfield today!

Congrats Diane, Joy & RJ!

This post showed up twice already on two different threads. Is the list acting up again with double posts?

I'm going to the link supplied. Congratulations to All of the winners.

Re: Springfeild Show

You guys are blind. Or lazy.

Probably a little of both. It gets annoying when you come on here and there are multiple postings for people wanting show results instantaneously! Since this forum changes the color of the thread after you've read them, it's really hard to ignore those postings. Come on people this is NOT a results forum. Please be patient and either let someone post the results (for which NO ONE even shows appreaciation to those people who take the time to do that) or just wait for them to be posted to the sup's website. GEEZ!