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Labrador Standard

The 400 or so Labradors of which I speak that were VOLUNTARILY measured and WEIGHED were done so by breeder-volunteers. It had nothing to do with the show and was done to gather statistical data for the lawsuit of which I was one of six "Named Class Representatives". I can probably post the written report on in time if breeders would like to see it. It was at a later Potomac specialty that the wickets were called by dedicated breeder-exhibitors who were trying to illustrate the absurdity of the new standard, and for those breeder-exhibitors it was an act of love of the breed. Although contrary to popular lore, I was not involved in any way in the calling of these wickets although I did SUSPECT measuring might be requested. However, I am the only exhibitor in the country whose Labrador was disqualified three (3) times and, therefore, prohibited from being show again at an AKC show. It goes without saying that she was an AKC Champion with a JH title...who went Best in Hunting Retriever at the Potomac show before her 3rd disqualification. Her name was AKC CH Muskelunge Tabatha Blkamoor JH ("Genny") and her champion daughter was also disqualified as being too short at about that same time. Her name is CKC CH Blackamoor's Junior Miss ("Missy") and she is now 14 years old but failing. "Missy's" daughter Blackamoor's Georgy Girl("Georgy")is also "under" but her daughter CKC CH Barataria of Blackamoor is 21-1/2" at the withers...four generations to get to where I was going.

Re: Labrador Standard

Interesting version of history.

Re: Labrador Standard

not taking sides here, but history is how one person sees the world go by and then remembers it and recalls the events that transpired. republicans have a version of the last 8 years as do democrats, as do each and everyone that has been impacted in one way or the other. we tend to add tidbits to either denounce or glorify history. it all depends on how you saw it and how it affected you.

Re: Labrador Standard

Thanks for sharing, Price!