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"New" Dog Flu?

The local News stations in Los Angeles have been running stories about a "lethel new viral dog flu".
According to what I could find out several dogs at CCI
have been ill and the facility is now quarantined. I did some searching online and didn't see a lot of panic associated with this so I am sure that the news is hyping things up. With a weekend of shows scheduled I was wondering if anyone had any comments or suggestions so that we all come home safe and healthy.

Re: "New" Dog Flu?

The dog flu from a few years ago has gone around, after starting seemingly in Florida with track greys. There have been horrible outbreaks in the northeast and midwest as well, mostly in shelter populations. Just google it. Few show dogs seem to have gotten it, although it is pretty deadly to puppies and oldsters. There is a new vaccine on the way. I'll let someone else be first to try it!