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Vaccines. How often?

So what are some opinions on how often we should be boostering our adult dogs?

Mine go to shows quite a bit and we have 1-3 litters per year in our home.

I have been boostering about every 1 1/2 years but am wondering is this enough? Too much?

There are so many opinions out there! I'd love to hear what Lab folks are currently thinking.

I am aware that titers can be run but also know that the result is only as good as the day the blood was drawn. There is no way to predict how long a high titer will remain high and proctective.

With all the talk recently of Parvo, I get very nervous

Re: Vaccines. How often?

Our adults get DA2pp every 3 years/Lepto/Lyme/Bordetella Yearly/Rabies every 3 years.I work at an animal hospital,so I may vaccinate more often than some.We also live in an area where I need to worry about Lepto and Lyme.Due to my work schedule we only show 3-4 times a year.We only produce 1 to 3 litters a year.This vaccine schedule works for us,it all depends on where you live and what you may come in contact with.

Re: Vaccines. How often?

I would love to see more replies to this, as I'm also wondering what most people are doing these days. I seem to be reading that for the core vaccines the 3 year protocal is the most popular, but in my area the vets are still (for the most part) vaccinating annually. I titered last year for the first time (vaccines in 2007) and all came back okay. This year I titered (planning on doing vaccines again next year) and the distemper came back on the low side 1/10); recommending I booster. This kind of surprised me. Adenovirus came back higher than last year. I'd be interested to hear more about what people think of titering as well as vaccine protocals. The titering is very expensive, but I'm concerned about it seems to be a good alternative. I had intended to go with the 3 year protocal and titer in the off years, but with the distemper titer coming back low after two years I'm not sure what to do now. I guess I don't understand the titering completely. I occasionally have to use kennels, so require either titers that are considered good; or up to date vaccinations....and here that means yearly.

Re: Vaccines. How often?

I do titers every other year on my dogs. My 14.5 yr old has not needed a vaccine in 10 yrs and his titers are still in the good side. My dogs only get a D-P vaccine @ 8 weeks, 12 weeks and thats it. I do show them and I also work for a holistic vet.

Re: Vaccines. How often?

We don't do Lepto (we live in Mass.), but what areas of the country are they recommending the Lepto vaccine?

Re: Vaccines. How often?

We choose to do Lepto (NJ), my vet also says there are confirmed cases in our area. This summer I sent my girl out to work on her JH and Lepto was required since she would be in ponds and lakes (which wasn't an issue since we do it anyway).

Re: Vaccines. How often?

How often do you vaccinate your kids?
I have a friend in vet. med, who has been in the business for close to 35-40 yrs....he started at the AMC in NYC. He recalls the days when they only vaccinated up to the yearly booster and that was it. Over vaccination was started, some feel, as a way to increase money, back in the days. He only vaccinated his dogs as pups, then a booster and that is it. He is around parvo, and distemper etc and his dogs never have caught what he is exposed to on a daily basis (which is more than going to frequesnt shows). Dr Dodds has advocated this for years and they are working to getting the rabies "requirement" extended as well...
Everyone has to do what is best for them but again I ask-why are we not vaccinating our kids or ourselves every year?

Re: Vaccines. How often?

Yes, and we live 80+ years vs 15

Re: Vaccines. How often?

We vaccinate 8, 12, and 16 weeks with the distemper combo and then 19/20 weeks for rabies. Boosters at 1 year old but we schedule them a couple of weeks apart. Then every 3 years. After 7, we do rabies only and only because it is the law.

We don't do lepto, lyme or kennel cough but I can see doing things differently in different areas or in different situations. We are totally anal retentive Frontline users though. We never miss a 30 day application during spring/summer/fall.

Re: Vaccines. How often?

Does anyone elses Vet actually vaccinate on an annual basis still? In my area I feel like I am probably the only one questioning the annual protocal.

Re: Vaccines. How often?

my experience
We vaccinate 8, 12, and 16 weeks with the distemper combo and then 19/20 weeks for rabies. Boosters at 1 year old but we schedule them a couple of weeks apart. Then every 3 years. After 7, we do rabies only and only because it is the law.

We don't do lepto, lyme or kennel cough but I can see doing things differently in different areas or in different situations.


Re: Vaccines. How often?

Our adults get DA2pp every 3 years/Lepto/Lyme/Bordetella Yearly/Rabies every 3 years.I work at an animal hospital,so I may vaccinate more often than some.We also live in an area where I need to worry about Lepto and Lyme.Due to my work schedule we only show 3-4 times a year.We only produce 1 to 3 litters a year.This vaccine schedule works for us,it all depends on where you live and what you may come in contact with.

DA2pp & Rabies every 3 years
Lepto/Lyme/Bordetella Yearly

Re: Vaccines. How often?

We bring our dogs in for annual check-ups if they haven't seen the vet for other reasons. But we have not done annual vaccinations in years. I do not believe any of the major vet schools recommend annual boosters anymore.

Re: Vaccines. How often?


Most of the vaccine companies still recommend annual boosters so most vets do too. They are all afraid of liability and lost profits. My vet is totally supportive of the every 3 year protocol or of titering. But he will not recommend anything that contradicts the vaccine comanies.

Re: Vaccines. How often?

My Vet is fine with the three year protocal as long as I titer in the off years. For whatever reason her distemper titer came back lower than they would like to see this time, so I'll have to booster after only two years. From what I have read it sounds like with any titer at all she's likely covered, but I will booster to be sure. She has to have either up to date vaccinations or titers that are considered strong in order to kennel her....which occasionally I have to do. I wouldn't want to take any chances, but I'm sure many are following the 3 year protocal and not titering. Titering is very least it is here.

I read all this information regarding titering and the newer protocals, but I think I'm one of very few people here who have questioned doing the annual vaccines.