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Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

I just noticed fleas on my 7 week old litter of puppies! Help! What is the best defense for babies this age?

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

I was told by my very wise vet once that if that ever happened to get a wash cloth and spray it good with adams flea and tick spray and wrap it around the puppy (not on the face though) for a few minuets for each puppy, that should kill most of the fleas, for the rest your just going to have to use a flea comb and get them all off and treat the mother and all their bedding should be washed with HOT water to get rid of the infestatiton.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Oops, just reread your post, your puppies are 7 weeks old not 7 days old so just give them all a bath with mycodex with 3x pyrethins shampoo and treat the area they sleep and live in, they CAN get a bath at this age.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Most flea products can not be used on pups under 12 weeks old. Read lables. Try baby powder on pups and mom and a flea comb. Drop fleas in cup of rubbing alcohol.Frontline can be used on mom and pups at 8 weeks but I hate using any chemicals. But you can't have a flea infestation either. Take care of the environment! Wash bedding... ect.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

And that is why I had rather use Frontline on the female after the first 4 weeks. I can't stand a flea. And on a puppy really bothers me. Years ago we just use a flea powder, but don't remember what.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Be sure to treat your puppies for tapeworms also before you send them to their new homes. Good luck.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Bath all the pups in Dawn dish soap and treat the mom with Frontline.
You can spread DE around in their area to kill any fleas on the floor or in bedding and it won't hurt the pups!

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

When I worked at the Humane Society we used green Pamolive dish soap on kittens. Worked great.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

What is DE? The pups are in a sawdust pen in the house for the most part.

These pups haven't been near mom for the last 2 and a half weeks.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Get rid of the sawdust. great breeding place for fleas! Wont dish soap dry their skin out?

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Diatomacious (sp?) Earth. It's 100% non toxic. You can feed it, many people do. But it also works on the ground.
Sawdust is fine. Just sprinkle the DE in it.
It kills fleas by actually cutting their hard bodies when they walk through it. Then they die of dehydration.
You only need a thin layer.
It will mix in.
Can be used on the yard too and it kills many other hard bodied insects.
Great stuff!
Call Nature's Farmacy and ask about it!

And no, the mild dish soap is FINE. A little dry is better than FLEAS anyday!!

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

if D.E. is inhaled it can be dangerous. Fleas like dry skin flakes. The larve stage of the flea eats dry skin flakes!

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

We've used Dawn Dish detergent on pups.

Fleas will flea to "high ground" when they encounter water so always start a flea bath by wetting and shampooing around the neck first and then working your way to the tail.

Re: Fleas on puppies!!! Help!!

Thank you to all who posted advice and information to my question. I love it when the forum is a success. There is some very informative responses and I learn alot here. The voice of experience is very loud and clear! Thanks a bunch.