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Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

I've officially exhausted my vet's ideas.

17 month old girl who is often wet, and allowed to air dry, has a blotchy rash, starting out as boil looking and then within days they crust over, and fall off, leaving small round white bald circles on her belly and in her arm pits.

She has been treated for three weeks for a staph infection with antibiotics and medicated bath, kept dry otherwise, she was then treated for a skin fungus, to no avail. Benedryl doesn't make it go away. She eats a grain free food, never any ear issues etc.

She is most recently being treated, on day 14 right now of cleaning with listerine and applying a triple antibiotic ointment, with Amoxi again twice per day.

Nothing is helping. I have 4 dogs all in the same run during the day, and is a house dog at night, everything has been cleaned strictly with water, no chemicals at all for almost 4 months now. No changes in her food, nor any of the dogs. I don't give frontline, heartguard or anything like this. We use diatomaceous earth for bugs, don't have horseflies etc, but do have mosquitos. I am begining to think it may be some kind of allergy, but she had no problems last year at all. She has no symptoms (not itchy, not bothered, no problems with anything else, ultra happy and sweet and wanting to get back in the pond!)

I am at a loss, as is my vet. Any ideas what might be bothing her?

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Boy, that sure sounds like skin infection/staph or something. Demodex can also appear like that.

Have you run blood test to check immune system? She is probably tolerant to all the antibiotics by now.

Have you thought of trying a natural supplement like Nupro. I cured an Akita of the exact symptoms you describe in 2 weeks on it. 2 scoops per day was all it took.......boosts body systems........It never recurred. She was spayed because I figured something was not perfect with the immune system.

Keep up the good work with all your natural stuff and your excellent Vet care!

Good luck

Nupro site

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?


Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Sounds like red ant bites to me.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Had the same thing...was staph(skin Scraping) cleared with cephalexin..but does reoccur sometimes.
Had other issues along with on atopica now and doing just fine!!

Good Luck!

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

I had a similar problem several years ago. The vet insisted it was a staph dermatitis and two courses of ABX later, the rash was still the same. It turned out to be a reaction to the new carpets we had installed downstairs.

I treated it with higher doses of Ester-C, Vitamin E, Garlic (anti-oxidants to boost the immune system) and Selenium. It cleared up in about two weeks.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

I have a dog who ever August gets what you describe, she likes to lay flat on her belly with her legs spread frog like. Every August she gets the rash on the spots that touch the ground when she lays like that, on her belly, chest and knees. It lasts about a month then goes away until the following August. I am assuming it is a contact allergy to something that must bloom or come out in August. Bathing with medicated shampoo and lots of Gold Bond powder seems to help.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

My co-worker described similar crusty spots like you describe. Finally, her Vet pulled blood for Thyroid, I think it's a T-4 or something like that, and turns out this bitch needed thyroid meds.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Have you tried betadine scrub and Gold Bond, or peroxide and then Gold bond?

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

I would take her to a vet that specializes in dermatology. They will be able to tell you what she has and treat it without wasting time.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

A thyroid test may be a good next step

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Poison Ivy

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Some of ours get "duck itch" after swimming in our marsh.We have lots of ducks,and geese that poo in the water.A benzoyl peroxide topical(like the ones used for pimples)helps.We now wash them down with Zymox shampoo after a swim,which seems to minimize it.Our Vet says it just needs to run its course.When they swim in the stream(clean running water)they don't have the problem.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

What antibiotic did you use? Maybe you need another type? Sounds like some kind of staph or puppy dermatitus

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

Have your vet rule out, Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA)by doing a culture.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

I agree, it sounds like red ant bites to me.

Re: Bizarre Rash, any ideas?

I agree with going to a dermatologist. Skin scraping and/or biopsy should be done as well as a culture and sensitivity. And it might be a good idea to keep her dry for a while.