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toadstools, anyone?

Just wondering if anyone else has had a problem with millions of toadstools in their yards in really wet weather. Okay, well maybe not millions, but you get the idea. Of course, it makes me a little nervous, since I'm assuming that most if not all of them are poisonous. My dogs haven't seemed interested in them yet, but you never know. Does anyone know of anything safe that the grass can be treated with to get rid of them? Or are we stuck with these until it dries out? TIA...

Re: toadstools, anyone?

Toad stools? I thought everyone just called 'em poops.

Re: toadstools, anyone?

It all depends on what kind you have. Some can kill your dog, others cause liver problems, still others just vomiting and loose stool. Your best bet is to take a sample and have them identified. I have two that can find them before they even emerge from the soil.