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Trying to count points

Recent show, dog was WD, BOS. No specials, but there was a Veteran dog that had gone back in for BOB and was defeated for BOS. Do you count that Veteran dog in your total dog count? Can't find the answer on AKC and they're closed today :-)
thanks in advance.

Re: Trying to count points

What division was the show in ? How many males entered in regular classes ?

Re: Trying to count points

Division 8. 12 class dogs, 1 veteran dog

Re: Trying to count points

Vet. Dogs do not count for points as they are not showing for points if entered in Vets only.

Re: Trying to count points

ok. that's what I thought, but then someone said, they're competing for BOB and you've defeated them so they count, but I wasnt' sure. thanks

Re: Trying to count points

That would be 1pt.

Re: Trying to count points

Veteran dogs do count If you defeat them for BOB or BOS. They are counted just the same as if you counted the Specials in the ring. (per AKC) so the dog would have actually gotten 2 points, as 13 dogs were defeated for the BOS to the BOB bitch.