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Springfield show

Any results yet? info is not up yet/ thanks

Re: Springfield show

Oh here we go again, these all-breed show results are such a waste of forum space! Just be patient, the results will be up soon enough-GEEZ!

Like I mentioned before, it's not easy to ignore these types of posts because the forum changes the color of the title if you've read it, those that haven't been read are in darker font and stick out like a sore thumb!

Also, you sure ask a lot of people to post results after driving to and from the show, packing, unpacking and packing up again. Preparing their dogs to show, running around the ring with them, etc. Who wants to take the time to post results after all that when chances are, in a few more hours, the results are up? Most people do NOT buy catalogs at all-breed shows and therefore would just be posting from memory and may not know all the winners anyway!


Re: Springfield show

Oh shut the hell up. There's nothing more annoying about requests for AB results than there is about demands for specialty results. AB wins are just as important to people as specialty wins are to you. Sheesh.

Re: Springfield show

"Oh here we go again, these all-breed show results are such a waste of forum space!"

Many people enjoy AB shows, your comments are offensive and rude. Go hug your dogs and thank the Lord you are alive this 4th of July weekend and have your Independence and Freedom of Speech to spew off such evil God Bless America, AB shows and specialty shows

Re: Springfield show

Results are here: