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Ingen info:

InGen result: Can anyone explan this as Ingen has been ask what it means and really did not get a anwser . Under physical Attributes Test E Diluted Coat Color + - Heterozygous
Test A is yellow

Re: Ingen info:

That is very interesting. Here is a link to an article that explains how the dilute gene operates.

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

I haven't done color testing yet. Is the dilution gene on a yellow possibly the cream and or chinchilla variants, which as phenotypic colors are common in Labs, as opposed to silver? I remember an article on the chinchilla gene in cats and Labs in an old LQ. (Why old mags can be valuable resources!) It probably was by D. Kay of Chilbrook. I walked around the house checking hairs on my yellows AND my cats. The individual yellow hairs are striped for a layered or shaded look on the dog.

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

That makes be feel better I was beginning to panic did not want any sivers and it's a very well know pedigree so was wondering what was going on.

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

Hey, I'm just asking. I don't know the answer to your exact question, but I do see creams and chinchillas in the link given by other poster. I also certainly see creams and chinchillas in Labs I know and have known! The chinchilla gives us some of the shadings on yellows. Glad that you feel better, though!
So your actual question now should be:
"Does the InGen dilute indicated a dilute of yellow, such as cream or chinchilla?"
"Does the InGen dilute always indicate a gene for silver/blue?"
Does your yellow dog carry chocolate according to InGen?

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

only yellow

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

They said the fawn Italian greyhound was diluted. I think in order for the dilute gene to dilute coat color, you would have to have 2 copies of the gene. If you have a + and a - you won't get dilution. It should be really hard to see in a yellow anyway.

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

Sound great, Thanks everyone!

?cream or chinchilla?, Re: Ingen info:

Hey Judy. My yellow boy came out with the same exact results as yours! I had no idea what they ment until now.
What was your yellows pedigree? We might have siblings or something close in bloodlines.
You can e-mail it to me if you want to.