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web hosting

I read in an earlier thread someone suggested
However, I cannot get into the site?
Is this site still working?
I would like to try putting something together myself
Honestly, I am semi-computer literate and need something for a newbie.
Can anyone direct me to such a site? I would really appreciate it!
Someone very nice was going to put it together for me but I feel that I shouldn't be so lazy and need to get a little more involved!
Thanks in advance for your help!

BTW, I cannot find my glasses so if there are any spelling errors, sorryyyy!!!!

Re: web hosting

most of my sites are at e-rice and it's still working.

They don't have templates so if you don't know HTML or aren't using software that "creates" it for you, then they might not be the webhost for you.

I believe GoDaddy has templates that you can use if you sign up with them.

I use GoDaddy as a registrar but don't use them as a webhost since I do design sites. I've heard good things about them as a webhost though.

Re: web hosting

Thanks! I googled and then clicked on it and it would not responded, did that several times.
Clicked on your e-rice and voila! there it is! I am going to take a stab at doing this... we'll see how it works out
Also, thanks for your email!

Re: web hosting

I use Go Daddy - no complaints.

Re: web hosting

I have e-rice as a web hosting sight, so far so good, but someone else designed my sight.