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AKC standard on the tail???

I looked and did not see, so I wanted to find out if it was a huge problem. I have a 7 month old that everything about her is great. Her tail is great length and thick. However the last 2 to 3 inches she has a bit of a flipped up end. Not horrible but enough that I notice it and don't like it. How bad do you think it is in the ring. TIA

Re: AKC standard on the tail???

Bad, very bad. I would not show her at a Specialty.

Re: AKC standard on the tail???

Is there a permanent "kink" at the end of the tail, or is the dog able to straighten it out? Some Labs in the show ring have had tendons cut to straighten out a kinked tail. Then they win (or not) and get bred. Perhaps that is where your dog's tail came from.