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Lab standard

Started a new post just to remind people of what happened at that Potomac so many years ago. Yes, the LRC had changed the standard. Yes,the way it went about changing the standard was suspect.
But the wicket was not called at the show by the judges. The wicket was called by,since he is writing about it-H.Price Jessup,and others that were, later, party to the suit. The result was a miserable show with depressed judges who did not want to wicket the dogs,crying exhibitors,and many dogs disqualified.

All to prove a point about the new standard.

I was not,and am still not,sure the end justifed the means.

Re: Lab standard

I wasn't there at Potomac but the Lab is surposed to be a moderate size dog... some of the dogs seen now would easily swamp a canoe if duck McDonald's Super Size fries & drinks our dogs get bigger and bigger like us!

Re: Lab standard

Yes, well our friends at LRC wanted the dogs to be bigger- they got what they wished for. Now is not the time to be complaining- you reap what you sow. They put in place this standard so they could say our dogs were too small to be shown, well now they are just what they asked for. BIG. Of course it doesn't matter what a Labrador really is- they put in a new standard, now they can live with it. Maybe someday the LRC will correct their blunder and we can return to having real Labradors.

Re: Lab standard

not in this crazy climate