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Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

For those attending the West Palm Beach, FL dog show next weekend, and needing only majors, it may be of interest to know that due to unforeseen circumstances, there is a bitch that is entered that WILL NOT be attending. I was advised this afternoon and asked to let everyone know. There are 24 bitches entered. It takes 23 for a major. If everyone else attends, there will be a major. If one more is missing, there will be no major. There is also no Specials bitch, so there is no going OS over the Specials bitch. There is no major in boys either, but there are 3 male Specials that can add on to the boys, and of course, there's always Breed!
Good luck to all!

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Obviously YOU are a trouble maker!
Why are you trying to influence exhibitors to not show their dogs.
Are you attempting to lighten the number of competitors you will have to compete against because you are afraid of competition?
What is your motive? It is certainly not being a good sportsman.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

sorry did not take that as making trouble.....
information given out so others can make a decision on travel.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

that's how I took it.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Bad sportsmanship abounds
Obviously YOU are a trouble maker!
Why are you trying to influence exhibitors to not show their dogs.
Are you attempting to lighten the number of competitors you will have to compete against because you are afraid of competition?
What is your motive? It is certainly not being a good sportsman.

Good grief, why do you want to accuse someone when you have no idea of their motive? When I'm chasing majors and it breaks, I certainly want to know ahead of time so I can save myself the time and costs associated with going to the show.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Personally, I took it as a call to get everyone off their a** and into the ring to hold the major. Once again, as soon as something involving Florida gets posted the unbelievable nastiness starts. You people need to get a life.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

THANK YOU to the person whO originally posted this information. It helps to know BEFORE spending time and money that a major may break. And to the person who calls themselves 'bad sportsmanship abounds' who are you? You really do need help.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

As always, I guess there are all kinds of people on this forum. Some very nice, and some very nasty, like you. No, I'm not afraid of competition. To me, the more the merrier. More points for me! I have dogs competing next weekend. It would be nice if the major held, either for me, or for anyone else's dog(s) that may win the points. Majors are hard to come by and travel expenses greater every day. I think it was very nice of this person to want to let others know of the situation, and yes, maybe this will urge everyone else to make sure to be there. As for you, you need help. Here's some information that may be of interest to you:

APA Help Center - Find A Psychologist
You can also obtain a referral to a psychologist in your area by calling 1-800- 964-2000. The operator will use your zip code to locate and connect you with a nearby therapist. You can can also access information online at:

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Thanks for the original post here. I do hope the majors hold. Yes we all have dogs that need them and yes travel is getting more and more expensive. One more little point to be made though we might be able to count on going BOB from the classes depending on what specials show up. We do have Tilly down here and every now and then Salty Dog shows up. Yes they both have been beatten but its hard to do that.
IN FLA - Maybe more people should hang onto the APA HELP CENTER phone number you gave, there certainly has been some very nasty people on here latley ( or should I say STILL) !

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Thank you for the sane words. As far as going Breed over Specials, you're right, it's hard. However, we know Tilly won't be there because there are no bitch Specials entered. Maybe it would help traveling people make a decision if anyone knows whether Salty will be in Palm Beach. He's a nice dog and with his heavy campaigning would be hard to beat, especially with a class dog.
Doesn't matter to me, my dog can use the singles too, but it may matter to people traveling far, if any.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

You are all ridiculous! What are you trying to say, it depends on what specials show up? How many of you have a finished champion who is even eligiable to enter into the BOB competition? This entire thread is probably all a hoax!!! Anyone who is local and showing in WPB knows that it is few and far between that, that many people will be traveling any long distance to attend these shows. Get over yourselves you are giving florida a bad reputation.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Ol time Breeder
Thanks for the original post here. I do hope the majors hold. Yes we all have dogs that need them and yes travel is getting more and more expensive. One more little point to be made though we might be able to count on going BOB from the classes depending on what specials show up. We do have Tilly down here and every now and then Salty Dog shows up. Yes they both have been beatten but its hard to do that.
IN FLA - Maybe more people should hang onto the APA HELP CENTER phone number you gave, there certainly has been some very nasty people on here latley ( or should I say STILL) !

If anyone is nasty it seems to be you. Jealousy will get you no where.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

You are all ridiculous! What are you trying to say, it depends on what specials show up? How many of you have a finished champion who is even eligiable to enter into the BOB competition? This entire thread is probably all a hoax!!! Anyone who is local and showing in WPB knows that it is few and far between that, that many people will be traveling any long distance to attend these shows. Get over yourselves you are giving florida a bad reputation.

Stop it! How nasty of you to ask how many people going have a finished champion. Obviously, you are not very smart as several of the usual exhibitors have finished champions. Maybe they are trying to finish or point other dogs and maybe they can't afford multiple entries!! And for those looking for majors, regardless of how far it is, it was nice of the OP to let everyone know that all the rest of the labs entered need to show up. People like you are what gives other Floridians a bad name. Now, take a deep breath - and go do something fun with your dogs. You obviously are in desperate need of positive energy.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

You are just the same person posting over and over again trying to justify your nastiness. I surpose it is nice of you to say how easy it will be for a class dog to go over specials depending on which ones are in the ring. How do you think the people who own those specials and have worked hard to "finish" their dogs feel when you make a comment like that? Your pleasant attitude sets the tone for a real fun atmosphere at these shows and the show has not even happened yet. Starting trouble must just be how you get your jollies this way you can get a head start.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

One thing is sure. DON'T GO TO FLORIDA!!!!, Unless, of course, is to Magic Kingdom.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Personally, in the state I live in, we do share info amongst exhibitors about majors breaking in order to save someone who only needs a major the time (usually 2 to 4 hours) and expense of driving to get there only to find out there is no major and they have to pull their dog if they are singled out. Thus I would appreciate a post like this instead of attribute ulterior motives to it.

My entire family lives in FL (they do not show dogs) and I thank goodness they and their neighbors are not this nasty. I've thought about bringing a dog down sometime when I visit and going to shows FOR FUN but it is obvious it would not be fun in FL unlike other areas I have shown.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Personally, in the state I live in, we do share info amongst exhibitors about majors breaking in order to save someone who only needs a major the time (usually 2 to 4 hours) and expense of driving to get there only to find out there is no major and they have to pull their dog if they are singled out. Thus I would appreciate a post like this instead of attribute ulterior motives to it.

My entire family lives in FL (they do not show dogs) and I thank goodness they and their neighbors are not this nasty. I've thought about bringing a dog down sometime when I visit and going to shows FOR FUN but it is obvious it would not be fun in FL unlike other areas I have shown.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

The 4-5 nasty breeders do not represent the entire state of Florida.
I live here and stay clear of the half a dozen trouble makers. But have many breeder friends that are just the nicest folks.

I would hope when you show here you get a chance to meet a few of the nice ones

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

I am the person who has the 9-12 month old puppy bitch that will be absent from the shows in west palm beach this weekend. I asked a friend to make the original post as a courtesy to other exhibiters. My bitch is not in the state and I cannot go and get her. I do not understand how a simple informational posting generated so many negative responses. But it is sad. Won't make that mistake again.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Yes it is sad SaK, Thank you for showing the courtesy to let some of us who care know. We will miss her at the show!

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

I know this is terrible to add to this thread but I needed a good laugh. The last post that said "sad sak" just cracked me up. Maybe we could end it there.

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

I did not see this message until today, but heard about it because it was not either kind or realistic.

First,I thank any owner who has the courtesy to let ALL know that the major might be broken for unforseen circumstances. So kind to do ahead of time.

Next: The original poster is the person who took ALL of our recently deceased Fla breeder's dogs (Anne Trend) to their new homes in GA, VA and NC. That is the reason she could not show her bitch. She was driving and placing. More than most did.

Many owe some apologies to her for being honest on the entries and even more, for helping with Anne's dogs.

Betty @ Impulse

Re: Major in West Palm Beach, FL MAY Not Hold

Well done, Betty. Thank you for the update and providing all of us on this Forum with a sober moment to reflect upon "thoughts said and unsaid" regarding the thread in question..

Well done to OP for being such a good samaritan by helping with Anne's dogs. I did not know Anne, but know that she must have been a very rich person spiritually to have such good friends who cared so deeply about the well being of her dogs.