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Ingen Question

For those of you who have used the INGEN/Pawsitive ID Testing, I have a question. It asks you to collect 20-30 hairs with the root ball attached. It also, leaves open a box that you can check that says you are sending swabs only. I am wondering if those of you that have used it sent the hair or just the swabs. Collecting the hair seems like a real pain in the arse and I have never had a problem with insufficient DNA in cheek swabs when sending in other DNA tests. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Re: Ingen Question

It can be used as a back up if swab is contaminated or as a second option to testing.

Re: Ingen Question

I have always done both just to be safe and I have done it 6 times, only once did we have to redo it. Collecting the hair is not that bad and you can see if you have the hair ball or not just fill half the pad up and fold in half...